To Tackle or Shackle? Getting Your Organisation AI Ready with the Australian Taxation Office on the Public Sector Podcast

Michael Rowell and Fawad Abro of the Australian Taxation Office discuss practical steps to build an AI-ready culture

Jordan Mullins 21 April 2024
To Tackle or Shackle? Getting Your Organisation AI Ready with the Australian Taxation Office on the Public Sector Podcast

Show Notes

In the last 12 months Artificial Intelligence has gone from a topic relegated to tech functions to a focus of many company leaders. In fact AI, and specifically Gen AI (yes ChatGPT, we're talking about you) has become a dinner table conversation topic for people from all walks of life. 

With the jump from Science Fiction films to the boardroom, knowing how to strategically, ethically and responsibly experiment with AI tools to pilot initiatives is crucial. Michael Rowell and Fawad Abro of the Australian Taxation Office discuss practical steps to build an AI-ready culture.


Michael Rowell, Deputy Commissioner, Data, Integration & Service Management, Australian Taxation Office 

Fawad Abro, Assistant Commissioner, Enterprise Data & Analytics, Australian Taxation Office 

Australia Australia

Published by

Jordan Mullins Head of Editorial, Public Sector Network