Global Steering Committee

Jocelyn Baker

Acting Commissioner and Deputy Minister, Public Service Commission, Government of Manitoba

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Maisha Dottery

Chief Information Officer, California Department of Community Services & Development

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Teresa Dukes

Executive Director, Social Innovation Office, Government of Manitoba

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Jocelyn Baker

Acting Commissioner and Deputy Minister, Public Service Commission, Government of Manitoba

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Maisha Dottery

Chief Information Officer, California Department of Community Services & Development

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Teresa Dukes

Executive Director, Social Innovation Office, Government of Manitoba

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Greg Essensa

Chief Electoral Officer, Elections Ontario

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Jeremy Janes

Chief Digital and Information Officer, QLD Building and Construction Commission

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Victorian Public Sector Digital & CX Roadshow 2024 Speaker

Andrew Larkin

Chief Information Officer, Victorian Department of Families, Fairness & Housing

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Jocelyn Baker

Acting Commissioner and Deputy Minister, Public Service Commission, Government of Manitoba

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Maisha Dottery

Chief Information Officer, California Department of Community Services & Development

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Teresa Dukes

Executive Director, Social Innovation Office, Government of Manitoba

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Greg Essensa

Chief Electoral Officer, Elections Ontario

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Jeremy Janes

Chief Digital and Information Officer, QLD Building and Construction Commission

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Victorian Public Sector Digital & CX Roadshow 2024 Speaker

Andrew Larkin

Chief Information Officer, Victorian Department of Families, Fairness & Housing

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Rachel Melnychuk

Executive Director, Business Intelligence, Justice, Ministry of Public Safety & Emergency Services

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Victorian Public Sector Digital & CX Roadshow 2024 Speakers

Jordy Ughetti

Chief Experience Officer, Cenitex

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9th Annual Public Sector Digital & CX Roadshow 2024

Stuart Watt

Chief Information Officer, Department for Primary Industries and Regions

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8 Oct 2024
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9 Oct 2024
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22 Oct 2024
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“A great way to keep up with what’s happening across government. Sometimes we can get stuck in our little silos and not understand what other agencies are doing and often what others are working on is really relevant to us as well.”

Department of Customer Service

New South Wales, Australia

“Really enjoyed the discussion and reinforcement across multiple organisations that are experiencing the same challenges”

Government of British Columbia

British Columbia, Canada