Keeping Up with the Pace of Innovation - Water NSW, Fire & Rescue NSW, Essential Energy, NSW Environment Protection Authority Podcast

Four Stories from across the NSW public sector

Jordan Mullins 27 June 2024
Keeping Up with the Pace of Innovation - Water NSW, Fire & Rescue NSW, Essential Energy, NSW Environment Protection Authority Podcast

Driving Operational Excellence and Innovation within NSW

Show Notes

Innovation can pose a lot of challenges to the public sector. How can state government innovate at the pace of industry? When new technologies can pose a risk as much as an opportunity, how can government respond with innovation in risk-adverse environments? What does it mean to lead innovation strategies from the ground-up?   In four short stories from across NSW, hear how leadership is working collaboratively across government, responding to the changing expectations of customers and taking innovative solutions from the frontline to scale organisation-wide.   


Andrew George, Chief Executive Officer, WaterNSW
Megan Stiffler,
 Deputy Commissioner, Fire & Rescue NSW
John Cleland,
 Chief Executive Officer, Essential Energy
Alexandra Geddes,
 Executive Director, Programs & Innovation, NSW Environment Protection Authority

Australia Australia

Published by

Jordan Mullins Head of Editorial, Public Sector Network