Fraud and Cybercrime Case Study by AU & UK experts

Fraud and Cybercrime Case Study by AU & UK experts

Fraud and Cybercrime

Enhancing operational efficiency and customer satisfaction across all contact channels

In our modern world, given the pervasiveness of technology and digital connectedness, cybercrime and fraud are on the rise, both in Australia and globally. We are constantly evolving and becoming more adept at using the available technologies, especially since the start of the pandemic, but so are the agencies that monitor and police them.

This report presents the views of two Australian agencies as well a UK agency, all who are at the apex of the fight against cybercrime and fraud. You’ll read insights from:

  • Chris Collett, Deputy CEO of Intelligence at Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC)
  • Cathie Armour, Commissioner at the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)
  • Mark Cheeseman, Director of the Government Counter Fraud Function in the UK and Specialist Advisor to the Commonwealth Fraud Prevention Centre

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