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Heather Dailey 2 December 2019
Feminist Open Government
International Development Research Centre Government of Canada Open Data for Development 2019 Reference: Addressing gender equity challenges in open-government co-creation processes. The Feminist Open Government (FOGO) initiative aims to advance gender equality and better governance through increased transparency, participation, accountability, and government responsiveness. The OD4D hubs are working together with the Open Government Partnership to map opportunities and challenges to advance FOGO in developing countries. In Phase I, covered by this publication, The Open Data for Development (OD4D) network of hubs supported initial research, published here, to map the current state of how open government processes are designed and include (or exclude) women in Latin America, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East and provide a baseline mapping and series of recommendations. Phase II, currently in progress and selected through a global open research call, is supporting the Africa Freedom of Information Centre, CARE International, Equal Measures 2030, Oxfam Novib, and Tecnicas Rudas to explore substantive gender commitments and tools. Case studies from Latin America, Africa and Asia

Workforce, Skills and Capability
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Heather Dailey Content Strategist, Marketing