Whitepapers & Reports

Improving Patient Outcomes and Experience
Implementing human-centred design to achieve better long-term patient outcome The healthcare system is designed to provide the best health outcomes for patients, but sometimes patients aren’t the sole focus of some of these providers.

23 Oct 2020
Whitepapers & Reports

Delivering the Future Sustainable Smart City 2020
Cities around the world are constantly evolving and growing, and to continue to do this, many are looking at becoming smart cities – cities that are sustainable, adaptable and able to grow and evolve with the increases in their populations, and as technologies develop.

23 Oct 2020

Establishing Your Cloud Transformation Roadmap: Three Experts Weigh In
In this edition of the ICT and Innovation blog series we take a look at some best practice strategies from the recent Hybrid IT & Cloud virtual event to help you develop and establish your cloud transformation roadmap. Cloud uptake is growing rapidly, with the ABS reporting that in 2019 42% of enterprises harnessed some form of paid cloud. This is up 11% since 2017. Developing and implementing cloud-based solutions, as well as data center consolidation and other technology efficiencies, is a continually evolving journey, with departments at all tiers of government increasingly on the look out for these improvements …

22 Oct 2020
Whitepapers & Reports

Improving the Operational Efficiency of Your Council in 2020
Local government is the closest level of government to the people and therefore also needs to be the most innovative to keep up with citizen demands. The pandemic has changed expectations and has changed the speed at which councils innovate and adapt.

22 Oct 2020
Whitepapers & Reports

Innovation in the Queensland Public Service
Innovation is important in any industry, including in the public sector. This was true before the pandemic, but has been further enhanced since the onset of COVID-19. The pandemic has provided challenges but also opportunities, and ones that the public sector should be embracing. Using new approaches from policy design to service delivery, new technologies, better use of data, all to improve the performance and responsiveness of the public sector is critical if we are to bounce back from the recent challenges we have all faced. This paper explores three interweaving perspectives from three jurisdictions about innovation, particularly in the …

22 Oct 2020
Whitepapers & Reports

Customer Centric Contact Centres
Contact centres are staffed by people and are designed to answer the queries of people calling them. It is important that the people who run them consistently remember that people – both staff and customers – need to be at the centre of the operation. Public sector contact centres have changed and improved over the years, but recent catalysts like an examination of outdated measures, the pandemic and other crises have exacerbated the need for change, and thus contact centres have begun to innovate, change and improve. This paper incorporates three examples from different jurisdictions and follows their journeys as …

22 Oct 2020
Industry Trends

Supplier Relationship Management: Reworking SRM to Navigate Covid-19 Supply Chain Challenges
In part one of the Contract and Supplier Management in the Age of Covid-19 blog series we took a look at what successful contract management looked like and explored why a reworking, or indeed an implementation of supplier relationship management frameworks was integral to navigating procurement challenges for the remainder of 2020, as well as into the future. Essentially organisations don’t tend to invest in the life cycle of a contract – you invest in the procurement and once you’ve got a supplier in place, we expect them to get on and not cause any problems. While this ‘muddling’ along …

29 Sep 2020
Whitepapers & Reports

Public Sector Supply Chains of Tomorrow 2020
Some supply chains can be volatile and many have been affected by both technology and COVID-19. In the public sector, where public funds are used for procurement, supply chains ought to be ethical and transparent and there are global and national standards for this. The industry began to modernise and adapt before the start of the pandemic, but COVID-19 provided opportunities and challenges to further adapt. For example, the global procurement of personal protective equipment (PPE) required a re-think of procurement processes and procedures. This paper incorporates the procurement expertise and experiences of two NSW public sector agencies and one …

29 Sep 2020