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Digitally Transforming Corporate Services

Digital transformation and improvement for businesses and public sector organisations is a necessary part of modern operations. This has especially become true since the start of the pandemic, given the number of employees forced to working remotely. This paper examines the digital transformation processes of three very different organisations from different jurisdictions, and follows their journeys before and during the pandemic, as well as their future goals and challenges. The lessons they have learned have made them more resilient, and the ramifications will be around for years to come.
Rosie Fea Rosie Fea
Public Sector Network logo
11 Jan 2021
Flag of Australia
Whitepapers & Reports

Improving Contract & Supplier Management

The procurement industry has been greatly affected by COVID-19 and will continue to feel the aftershocks for a long time. It is a crucial industry that provides critical services, and it is also an industry that is innovative and adaptive. This paper follows the journeys of three public sector institutions from three jurisdictions as they navigated the pandemic. Each dealt with the crisis differently and each discovered that the crisis left them wanting, but maintaining good relationships and working with suppliers to get through the crisis served each of them well, and provides lessons to others.
Rosie Fea Rosie Fea
Public Sector Network logo
11 Jan 2021
Flag of Australia
Whitepapers & Reports

Information & Data Management

All organisations collect data and use data. Some organisations have embraced technology more than others and have therefore been able to leverage their data better. The goal now is for other organisations to better use the data at their disposal, and to integrate it with their available technology, to improve the efficiency of the organisation and the customer experience. This paper presents two Australian examples and a Canadian perspective on how data can be used to create efficiencies and to change the operations of an organisation for the better. The lessons contained within these examples are relevant to any organisation …
Public Sector Network Public Sector Network
Data, Analytics and AI
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11 Jan 2021
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Whitepapers & Reports

Modernising the Local Government Workplace

Local government is the closest tier of government to the people, and to satisfy and provide for the communities they serve, councils need to have modern and efficient practices, and need to operate in well-functioning and effective ways. This paper follows the journeys of three local governments from three jurisdictions as they navigated their way towards modernisation and improvement, and as they coped with challenges and crises, including COVID-19. These three examples provide a snapshot of how councils can adapt and modernise to better serve their communities.
Neboneid Hamoo Neboneid Hamoo
Public Sector Network logo
8 Jan 2021
Flag of Australia
Industry Trends

Smart Mobility

Innovation is common in the transport sector, but never has it been needed as much as it was during the pandemic. Many passengers lost confidence in their public transport networks because of safety concerns when social distancing was required, so providers needed to develop creative solutions and ideas to win customers back. This paper brings together three managers from transport agencies in New Zealand and the UK and follows their journeys and innovations before, during, and after COVID-19 hit their jurisdictions. Though none of them were directly prepared for the pandemic, their careful thinking and creative ideas allowed them to …
Public Sector Network Public Sector Network
Public Sector Network logo
8 Jan 2021
Flag of Australia
Whitepapers & Reports

Digital Identity

Ensuring that citizens can log on to services online and that their identities are protected and secure, is one of the main priorities of the government. This paper presents the perspectives of three digital experts from three different jurisdictions and follows their journeys towards successful digital identity engagement, including the challenges they faced along the way. Keeping citizens and their identities safe is a key task of government, and these examples provide lessons for how that can be achieved.
Public Sector Network Public Sector Network
Digital Services and Customer Experience
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8 Jan 2021
Flag of Australia
Whitepapers & Reports

HR Innovation

Before the pandemic struck, human resources practices in many public sector organisations were in need of change and modernisation. In some cases, catalysts like the bushfires or other factors inspired the change, but COVID-19 has really forced organisations to update and innovate their HR practices. This paper explores the innovative HR practices that three Australian public sector institutions across two states implemented before and during the pandemic. It also looks at how these changes can become permanently embedded.
Neboneid Hamoo Neboneid Hamoo
Workforce, Skills and Capability
Public Sector Network logo
5 Jan 2021
Flag of Australia
Industry Trends

How Modern Healthcare is Being Revolutionized with Automation

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is the next level in automation. RPA uses machine learning and AI to effectively handle tasks that are done manually. RPA has made huge strides in Healthcare. Here are some ways in which automation is revolutionizing the healthcare industry: A major cause of rising healthcare costs is the growing demand for medical devices and the innovation costs involved in drug discovery. Automation can greatly aid in reducing these costs by modernizing drug and device production and using technology to minimize costs and advance public health priorities. Doing so would help in fast-tracking the assessment of safety …
Neboneid Hamoo Neboneid Hamoo
Public Sector Network logo
5 Jan 2021
Flag of Canada