Making the Most of Your PSN Marketplace Listing

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Ana Avner 18 October 2023
Making the Most of Your PSN Marketplace Listing

Congratulations on joining Public Sector Network’s Marketplace!

Listing your business allows buyers from all levels of government to find you when they're searching for solutions to their problems. It is your first step to establishing your business as a trusted solution provider to Government - but did you know that this Marketplace can be used for so much more?

This global platform offers you the unique opportunity to publish content to be accessed by our extensive network of 20,000+ Government members. Educate them on topics relevant to them and position yourself as the subject matter expert, leaning on Public Sector Network's independent third-party credibility. 

Not sure where to start? Here are a few tips for making your marketplace listing stand out above the rest. 

Upload existing content or create it from scratch

Depending on your level of subscription, you will be entitled to publish a certain number of content items to your Marketplace listing as well as to our members-only Insights library.

The sooner you upload content, the sooner our government audience will find your listing, learn about your products & services, and ultimately connect with your business.

Once your listing is active, have a stocktake of any content you already have and upload it through your Marketplace account with a few simple steps. Then sit back and let your content drive organic traffic back to your listing.  

Explore what others are doing

Visit our Insights library containing content by competitors, public sector leaders, and our own industry experts for some inspiration. 

Review Industry trends, interviews, case studies, guides, whitepapers, reports, and webinars to see what topics are trending and what types of content get the most engagement. 

Note: what you can view within our Insights library will depend on your level of subscription - Premium subscribers will be able to view public content as well as exclusive members-only content. 

Focus on value-add content

Ask yourself this: would this piece of content add value to a public sector reader? Is this relevant to them right now? 

Content that looks at how a specific challenge was solved often sees higher engagement, as does content that focuses on timely, regional and topical subject matter.

Note: sales material, catalogues and any material not providing value for government audiences may not be approved for publication.

Get some quick wins on the board

Content doesn't always need to be time-consuming and tedious. 

Have a great client story to tell? Use our easy case study template for a quick “Here’s how we’ve helped X solve their problem”. 

Uncovered some compelling findings? Create an insightful one-page infographic to share your knowledge and lessons learned.

Don’t have the internal resources to create compelling content? Public Sector Network can help!  

Invest in evergreen

When the time is right, focus on creating a well-researched, well-written whitepaper that can be shared far and wide for years to come

This type of content is not only a vital education tool for government audiences on its own but can be used to create many other channels of audience engagement such as webinars and roundtables.

PSN's expert in-house team delves deep, researching, writing, designing and delivering captivating content on a subject strategically aligned with your solution. Filled with key takeaways and credible insights whitepapers are an ideal way to present yourself as an industry authority and to demonstrate thought leadership. Get in touch now to learn more.

Promote far and wide

Once you've authored and successfully published a piece of content to our Insights Library, it's time to promote it! 

Aside from your own social channels, Public Sector Network can offer you a variety of ways to increase the reach and engagement of your content exponentially. 

One way is through our newsletter features, which allow you to promote your content through our monthly community newsletters to have it land directly in the inboxes of thousands of public sector professionals. Our distribution lists are segmented based on interest areas and job titles, allowing us to get your content in front of those most relevant to you. 

For more tips on how to improve the performance of your Marketplace listing or information on any of the above-mentioned products, get in touch with our friendly Marketplace team.  





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Ana Avner Marketing Manager - Marketplace, Public Sector Network