Coming Soon: iGaming Ontario to Request Proposals for a Centralized Self-Exclusion Solution in Early 2024

iGaming Ontario (iGO)'s vision is to lead the world’s best gaming market, which includes building a safer and more enjoyable experience for all igaming players in Ontario. To support players who decide to stop or take a break from gambling, iGO intends to issue a request for proposals (RFP) in early 2024 for a centralized self-exclusion solution that will enable a player to self-exclude from all Ontario regulated igaming operators in a single registration process.
Given the coordinated nature of the program across all regulated igaming operators, including Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG)'s igaming site, the successful bidder will be expected to develop and implement a centralized self-exclusion system that integrates with all operator systems and supports players' self-exclusion registration, renewal, and reinstatement.
The following are iGO’s principles for centralized self-exclusion:
- PLAYER FOCUSED – to provide options to players to support their commitment to take a break, to ensure processes are easy to use with minimal barriers and challenges, and to offer a seamless connection to relevant support services.
- SUPPORTIVE – to deliver and execute the program in a non-stigmatized, non-judgmental manner; to be supportive and encouraging so that players feel good about registering in self-exclusion.
- TRANSPARENT – to ensure expectations and consequences for players and Operators are clear and information is comprehensive and well-promoted.
- SECURE – to ensure player information is securely protected and shared only with relevant employees for the purposes of administering the program.
- ROBUST – to implement strong processes and procedures bolstered by secure, responsive, and highly available technology to enable an effective program that supports a player’s goals.
- VIABLE – to develop systems and procedures that are manageable and practical for Operators to implement.
With these principles in mind, iGO is seeking interest from responsive and nimble companies that are able to build modern, innovative, secure cloud-based SaaS solutions that are high-profile, public-facing and critically important to building and maintaining the trust and confidence of a wide range of stakeholders. The successful bidder will partner with iGO on a multi-year program to develop best-in-class user experiences by leveraging modern, innovative technology.
Some features for an effective centralized self-exclusion solution include:
- Allowing players to create and manage their self-exclusion profile and including Know Your Client (KYC) identity verification
- Providing players with easy access to self-exclusion at any time including while they are gambling on any regulated igaming website
- Having registration, renewal, and reinstatement processes that are intuitive, simple and offer supporting information
Register on MERX to Review the RFP and Participate in the Bidding Process
iGO will make the RFP available on MERX in early 2024. You can find current and past iGO bid opportunities at Find out how to register on MERX and other important information about the bidding process using the resources MERX provides on their site. You can also contact MERX by e-mail at [email protected] or phone at 1-800-964-6379.
About iGaming Ontario iGaming Ontario (iGO) works alongside the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO), the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG) and the Government of Ontario to bring world-class online gambling experiences to the province in a safer environment, helping to protect consumers and provide more choice. Visit for more information.
iGaming Ontario will only entertain questions about open bidding opportunities in accordance with government directives.
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