Australia's Digital ID: Modernising Identity Verification and Building Trust

Speaker Spotlight: John Shepherd, First Assistant Secretary, Digital ID & Data Policy, Australian Government Department of Finance details how Australia's new digital ID system modernises identity verification, making it more secure and convenient while building trust and encouraging innovation.

In this interview, John Shepherd delves into the recent legislative approval of Australia's digital ID system. He explains how this system modernises the traditional 100-point ID check, allowing individuals to verify their identity securely and conveniently without repeatedly handing over sensitive documents. Shepherd emphasises the importance of building trust and understanding among the public regarding digital ID, highlighting planned pilots with both public and private sectors. He also discusses the need for balanced regulation that fosters innovation while maintaining security. This framework includes adaptable rules and standards to keep pace with technological advancements, ensuring ongoing protection and confidence for users.

Related Event
Innovate Australia
Australia Australia

Published by

Patrick Joy Head of Research and Analysis, Public Sector Network