Transforming the Way You Use Data in Your Smart City

Transforming the Way You Use Data in Your Smart City

Being a smart city these days is not just about digitisation; it is about using data to inform the technology and the decision-making within a city. It is about becoming a data-driven smart city.

This paper brings together smart city decision-makers from three different jurisdictions. They each share an appreciation of data and how to use it to ensure that their citizens continue to benefit from the opportunities that smart cities represent.

Key Take-outs:

  • Data informs the technology of a smart city
  • A lot of data is collected, especially by city councils, and using that data to inform council decisions should be a priority of the council
  • Data is important because it not only paints a picture of how a council is performing now, but it can open councils up to drive business processes and inform decisions
  • In Winnipeg, having an open data platform is beneficial to a range of personas
  • In Philadelphia, data assisted in the creation of innovative solutions to bring the city out of pain, and to work towards a more collaborative approach
  • In Moreton Bay, data assisted to improve monitoring and decision-making around lakes, bin sensors, road management and smart lighting
  • The next steps are to take these approaches further and to ensure equity

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