Mission 1: Ensuring Digital Services Are Accessible, Inclusive, and Connected for Everyone in NSW

An overview of the NSW Government's mission to create inclusive, accessible, and connected digital services for all residents, focusing on digital inclusion, enhanced connectivity, accessibility standards, and community-driven service design

Charlie Hamer 14 October 2024
Mission 1: Ensuring Digital Services Are Accessible, Inclusive, and Connected for Everyone in NSW

In an increasingly digitised world, the NSW Government remains steadfast in its commitment to ensure that no one is left behind. With over 8 million residents, the state’s digital transformation efforts prioritise inclusivity, accessibility, and connectivity. The overarching goal is to leverage digital tools to better understand and cater to the diverse needs of its population, spanning urban, regional, and rural areas.

Our Mission: Digital Inclusion for All

The NSW Government is focused on building an inclusive digital landscape. The aim is not only to enhance the accessibility of digital services but also to ensure that everyone—from individuals with disabilities to those in remote areas—can fully engage with these services. Through strategic initiatives, programs, and infrastructure investments, the state will bridge digital divides, making sure its services are available to all.

Key Objectives

To meet this mission, the NSW Government has outlined four critical objectives:

  1. Inclusive Digital Services
    Digital inclusion means ensuring all communities—regardless of background, ability, or location—are supported on their digital journey. This includes uplifting digital literacy, particularly for vulnerable groups like those from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and those in remote areas. To support individuals who may struggle with digital access, the government also continues to offer in-person and phone-based services through the vast network of Service NSW Centres and helplines.

  2. Enhanced Connectivity Across NSW
    Connectivity is the backbone of digital inclusion. Without reliable and affordable access to the internet, communities risk exclusion from essential services such as education and employment. The NSW Government is dedicated to improving infrastructure to ensure equitable access, especially for socio-economically disadvantaged communities, rural and regional populations, and other underrepresented groups.

  3. Meeting Accessibility Standards
    Digital services must be usable by everyone, regardless of their physical or cognitive abilities. To meet this goal, NSW is aligning with international accessibility standards, developing roadmaps for accessibility across agencies, and providing support through the Accessibility and Inclusivity Toolkit. Additionally, programs such as the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Program empower service staff to offer personalized support for individuals with invisible disabilities.

  4. Designing Digital Services Around Community Needs
    The NSW Government is dedicated to a community-first approach. Through consultations, workshops, and public feedback channels, the state ensures that digital services evolve to meet the changing needs of the community. Human-centred design principles guide this evolution, ensuring services remain reliable, trusted, and responsive.

Progress and Commitments

  • Tech Savvy Seniors: A case study showcasing efforts to uplift digital literacy among older populations.
  • Rural Access Gap Program: Addressing the connectivity challenges in rural and regional NSW, ensuring digital opportunities reach every corner of the state.
  • Accessibility and Inclusivity Toolkit: A resource helping agencies comply with accessibility standards.
  • Multicultural Communications Playbook: Enhancing communication efforts with CALD communities, ensuring that government messages are clear, accessible, and impactful.

Moving Forward

NSW’s digital journey is shaped by a continuous commitment to inclusivity, accessibility, and community involvement. The state will continue to engage with its diverse population to refine and improve digital services, ensuring that no one is left behind in an increasingly digital future. Through collaboration with industry, academia, and the public, the NSW Government is building a digital future that serves everyone equally.

By leveraging innovative technologies and placing the needs of the community at the forefront, NSW is laying the groundwork for a future where digital services are a tool for inclusion and empowerment.


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Published by

Charlie Hamer Chief Strategy Officer, Public Sector Network