Supporting Seamless Access to the Services New Zealanders Want and Need

Digital Leadership in Government:
Supporting Seamless Access to the Services New Zealanders Want and Need
1. Which Investments Are Digital Leaders Prioritising to Improve Access to Equitable, Contemporary, Citizen-centric Services?
Investing in Digital and Data Systems- Driving Skills Development - Leading Cultural Transformation
Almost every business function in the public service has undergone significant transformation in recent years, however, the key focus for New Zealand government agencies has been prioritising investment in the right categories of emerging digital tools and technology to improve and update the delivery of public services.
The Action Plan for the Digital Strategy for Aotearoa provides a roadmap for the government’s implementation of the Digital Strategy for Aotearoa.
The Strategy for a Digital Public Service sets the direction to modernise and transform public service, putting citizens and businesses at the centre of government services.
The implementation of new technology and processes has highlighted the need to focus on solving a common challenge to achieving digital strategic planning goals. Leading the cultural transformation of digital workplaces and upskilling the digital and data literacy capabilities of the government workforce.
Designing and implementing a digital workforce planning, learning, and development strategy is imperative for public sector leaders who want to effectively adapt service delivery to the needs of New Zealand citizens in the fast-moving, complex and uncertain times we live in, and in an equally complex and uncertain technological and economic climate.
2. How Can Digital and Data Leaders Accelerate the New Zealand Government’s Vision for Digital Transformation?
Measuring Progress and Evaluating Performance: Delivering the Digital Strategy for New Zealand
Identifying how we can help New Zealanders access personalised services, when and where they need them, engage in decisions about issues they care about, and trust in an open, transparent, and inclusive government, continues to be a key priority for digital leaders. Looking to the Digital Strategy for Aotearoa as our transformation roadmap, focusing on what people need from the government in rapidly evolving times and collaborating together on how we can best meet their needs using emerging technologies, data, and changes to government culture, practices, and processes.
For more insights and to discuss trends and challenges with NZ Public Service peers, register here to attend the 6th Annual Innovate NZ Showcase 2023 on the 9th of November 2023 at Shed 6 & TSB Arena, Wellington.
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- Digital Services and Customer Experience
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