Shifting role of Human Resources in Public Sector Transformation with Catherine McLachlan

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Purva Deshpande 12 December 2022
Shifting role of Human Resources in Public Sector Transformation with Catherine McLachlan

Ahead of the event, we were grateful to have had the opportunity to interview Catherine McLachlan, Assistant Secretary of the People Strategy and Engagement Branch, from the Department of Home Affairs in an insightful conversation. The conversation revolves around the Department's shifting role of Human Resources in Public Sector Transformation.

What has been your biggest success story in the past 12 months with regard to the transformation of HR in the public sector?

We have been working very hard this year on a project that explores the relationship between performance, productivity, and flexible working arrangements. It’s been one of the most complex projects that I have led, with the outcome of a measurement methodology that explores the impact of flexible working arrangements on performance and productivity and a Flexible work playbook that supports the application of flexible work over a variety of job roles. It’s exciting because it is about examining the impact of accelerating flexible working arrangements in the public sector, on our overall ability to continue to deliver our strategic objectives. 

What were the enablers to allow this to happen?

The catalyst for this project was some earlier work we did with a couple of agencies, on principles to assist with the consistent application of flexible working arrangements across the public sector. One of these principles was productivity. At that time, we didn’t have a way to measure the relationship of flexible working arrangements with organisational performance or productivity. We were keen to explore this so as to future-proof flexible working in the APS, including working from home.  We had substantial support from senior leaders across the sector. It was something many agencies had grappled with in the past and so we agreed to give it a try.

How have you used data to drive your decision-making?

Data is integral to the maturity and success of this project. We honestly thought that due to the volume of data we collect to inform our strategic workforce planning and initiatives, we were rich with data to be able to demonstrate the relationship between performance, productivity, and flexible working arrangements. However, what we found was that while our data collection was strong, we were not currently collecting all the data we need to measure the full impact. We, therefore, looked at the data we did have, the data we could begin to collect, and what data we would eventually need; to come up with a slightly different approach. This means we have started to look at the relationship of these three factors at the organisation level, we are using workforce productivity data that is more readily available, and we are building a maturity roadmap that will include what data we need to grow and collect to enhance our measurement

What would you do differently now that you have been on that journey? 

I have learned so much during this project. The ability to move from traditional compliance-type reporting to impact reporting, or the ability to measure how much change we have affected; is necessary and exciting. I look for connection and impact in all that we do in my branch now; so we can measure the public value and objectively assess whether what we are doing is solving the problem and making effective change.  I am keen to be forward-leaning in continuous business improvement, modernizing of our practices, and supporting a contemporary public service. 

Where to from here: What will your department focus on in the next 12 months? 

Over the next 12 months, we will continue to work on the implementation of this important work, as well as lean into the overall APS reform agenda. The Department has a keen interest in supporting APS reform and has a unique perspective to add value, due to our policy and operational workforce.

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Purva Deshpande Senior Marketing Manager, Public Sector Network