Cloud Security: A Guide for Government Decision-makers

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Antonio Naldinho 5 October 2022
Cloud Security: A Guide for Government Decision-makers

Cloud is helping to modernize government services and transform citizen interactions. But cloud security hasn’t kept up with the pace of cloud adoption. Ensuring a secure, compliant environment in the cloud is critical— particularly for public-sector organizations that collect, store and manage highly sensitive data on behalf of their citizens.

Many government departments and agencies operate in silos and still rely on legacy infrastructure, though the COVID-19 pandemic forced many to transform their operations and start migrating at least some of their workloads to the cloud. Government employees continue to work from home, at least part of the time, which has greatly expanded the network edge.

This makes it easier for bad actors to target the public sector with malware and ransomware, as well as social engineering attacks. Add to that an acute talent shortage for skilled IT workers and cybersecurity professionals— where the government often can’t compete with their private-sector counterparts—and it’s clear why cloud security is such a pressing issue in the public sector.

Public Sector Network has partnered with Check Point, to launch the "Cloud Security: A Guide for Government Decision-makers" whitepaper. The whitepaper tackles these key issues and outlines four keys to a successful cloud journey IT teams can utilize to help manage and maintain security across multi-vendor as well as private, public, hybrid and multi-cloud environments.

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Antonio Naldinho Regional Marketing Director, North America, Public Sector Network