Spotlight Interview - Hitting Digital Transformation Targets across the Public Sector

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Milena Tsitovitch 23 June 2022
Spotlight Interview - Hitting Digital Transformation Targets across the Public Sector

Bnimble and the Public Sector Network recently collaborated to deliver the Hitting Digital Transformation Targets across the Public Sector Virtual Event on 26th of May 2022.

After the event, we were grateful to have had the opportunity to interview Keith Roscarel, Partner
of Bnimble in an intimate conversation on his perspectives with technology trends and barriers faced in their community.

What overall trends are you seeing in terms of technology in your industry?

The realisation that transformation is here to stay for multiple reasons. Organisations will be threatened by competitive shifts, emerging technologies will cause disruption and globalisation of services will see multiple new entrants in the market. We believe that organisations will either harness this shift or fall behind.

What is the next big thing in terms of technology and where do you see it in the next 2 to 5 years?

We are seeing more SAAS-based technologies which require a different mindset and capabilities. They will need to deal with evolved architectures, new procurement models and integration methods. We believe automation and orchestration will be significant factors in the SAAS world.

Aside from the pandemic , what have been some of the technology challenges or barriers experienced in the last 12 months?

The state of legacy technologies in organisations has been seen as a significant inhibitor. Most have adopted ‘quick fixes’ and workarounds to respond to essential services required in the midst of the pandemic e.g. remote office and online business activity. Unfortunately, a lot of these updates are temporary in nature and don’t provide a long-term solution. Organisations should be looking to make the necessary investment to remove legacy and encompass the ‘new world’

What has been your best performing technology in the last 12 months and why?

A shout-out to the video conferencing solutions. They have been tested beyond their limits and delivered in a very difficult period.

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