Big Data & Actionable Analytics for Government

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Rosie Fea 13 January 2021
Big Data & Actionable Analytics for Government

All organisations collect data and use data. Some have data strategies to inform how the data is used and managed, whilst others use data in creative ways to deal with challenges and crises, including COVID-19.

This paper presents the perspectives of three data experts from different sized public sector organisations. Between them, they are using the data at their disposal to streamline manual processes, to manage crises, and to assist their stakeholders and residents in new and creative ways. The lessons from these perspectives can assist others to also use data in innovative ways.

  • All organisations use data, and it comes in many forms
  • There is a sense of urgency and immediacy about technology and data
  • Data can be leveraged for analytics and insights
  • Data analytics can be used to streamline manual processes
  • Data can be used by large government departments to manage crises
  • Data can be used in creative ways to assist residents in large cities
  • There are innovative ways that data can be used in the future to improve practices, better manage crises and improve our world

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