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Rosie Fea's Insights
Personalized and Intuitive Healthcare with Technology
Across much of the healthcare sector worldwide, the global pandemic that many of us are still living through, exposed some of the fault lines that many of the medical professionals have known about for years. The medical sector – like most sectors – is not perfect and is not immune to problems. In fact, many of the larger problems have been festering for a long time, but the sector has been too busy or too blind to address them. Though the pandemic has exposed this publically, an institution like Hamilton Health Sciences knew that there were issues many years earlier. …
Data, Analytics and AI
Information Management for Government
Government Speaker: Kathryn Gulifa, Chief Data & Analytics Officer, WorkSafe Victoria Given the amount of data involved in each process, “the whole strategy was underpinned by data and analytics as a key pillar of the strategy.” Importantly, this was identified early and thus the “board and executive team were on board and understood the value of data and analytics.” The first deliverable was the implementation of a new CRM (customer relationship management) platform “that was initially focussed on managing the inspector at the operations.” The strategy document that lay behind the implementation was “several hundred pages long and described the …
IT Modernization and Cloud
Public Sector Innovation Show – British Columbia
Jillian Carruthers says that the four principles of service transformation are: Despite these principles and the identified steps, there really is no guide, manual or playbook. This is emergent work and a lot of it we are processing by feel. Yet despite that, Kevin Ehrman says that service transformation is extremely important because services are how people experience government. Unfortunately though, most of the time it is reactive and generally not in a context which is too pleasant or desirable. This is particularly true and visible when it comes to emergencies. In BC for instance, after a flooding crisis, the …
Data, Analytics and AI
Democratizing Analytics in the Public Sector
Transforming Data into Breakthroughs for the Public Sector The global pandemic that we are still living through has changed much of the way society operates, though even before the onset of COVID-19, most people accepted that modern societies were data-driven. Data is essentially the fuel that powers our societies, and it is so pervasive that the latest DOMO ‘Data Never Sleeps 9.0’ report found that the total amount of global data consumed in 2021 was 79 zettabytes (1021), projected to grow to 180 zettabytes by 2025. These numbers are staggering in their magnitude, but to the average citizen they are …
IT Modernization and Cloud
Enterprise Architecture in the Modern Public Sector
The timing for the reinvention was right because after languishing in obscurity for over a decade, enterprise architecture (EA) was also “being reborn within the government of Canada. In fact, in 2016 the practice of EA was renewed across all government agencies and was reimagined as a conceptual blueprint that defines the structure and operation of an organization considering and aligning business, information, data, applications, technology, security and privacy domains to support strategic outcomes. The Office of the CIO is therefore ultimately responsible for the expectations related to EA, and for “defining the current and target architecture standards. EA alone …
Digital Services and Customer Experience
How to Improve Digital Service Delivery for Citizens and Employees
In many seen and unseen ways, the world is constantly changing. The pandemic that we are all still living through is just the latest in a series of tumultuous global events that began following the end of the Second World War, including the digital revolution. Now, decades later, digital transformations are still taking place in almost every industry at significant pace, with the pandemic often acting as a catalyst for even greater and faster change. While the private sector often leads the charge towards a new age, no industry can afford to be left behind, including the public sector. Consumers …
Improving Communities Through Agile Local Government
Overall, their area was only mildly affected by the pandemic, but given where they are located, “locals are used to isolation and dealing with prolonged periods of loss of power.” The saying goes that “if you move to the Gulf, bring a generator.” When there is a storm, flooding or other crises, it is not uncommon for some communities to be “cut off for 10 to 14 days, but food and supplies are always available.” Partly this is because Council is responsible for supplies. There is a network of “1,662km of local roads but only 107km of these are sealed …
Data, Analytics and AI
Spotlight Interview: Data Management & Analytics Roadshow 2022
The general trend we are seeing in the industry is toward the integration of multiple different concepts and technologies to create an accurate picture of the entirety of an organisation's data landscape. Two prominent examples are the data fabric and data mesh architectures. In both cases, there is an emphasis on automation around metadata management, where metadata is viewed as “fuel” for AI-driven decision-making around automated data ops. As Data Fabric matures, we see that metadata management will require big updates on the conceptual level. To properly employ AI to drive data management tasks, metadata management solutions will have to …
Digital Accessibility Policies and Practices for PDF Forms | Five Eyes Report
Industry Trends
14 Nov 2024
PUBLIC SECTOR PODCAST: Navigating Change in the Public Sector with Mustafa Ghulam, Transformation and Process Specialist
5 Dec 2024
Moving from the Information Age to the Intelligence Age: Your Future with AI
On Demand
7 Nov 2024
Smart Spending: Victoria’s Unified Cyber Buying Power
Industry Trends
1 Dec 2024
Service Transformation in the Digital Age
On Demand
7 Nov 2024