On Demand: How IT Leaders Can Protect Ransomware Attacks Webinar

How IT Leaders Can Protect Ransomware Attacks
Join these ICT expert leaders from across the public sector and Macquarie Government to explore the key things every IT leader should know about what’s driving the increase of ransomware attacks, and what security strategies your department can adopt today to keep your infrastructure and data safe from future attacks. They will be breaking down a step-by-step guide to the prevention of IT related crime by first getting inside the mind of a criminal:

  1. Casing the joint. External Reconnaissance: How can you train your team to be aware of the risks and “lock the front and back doors?”
  2. Breaking in. Gaining Access: How can you restrict a hacker’s ability to escalate privileges or move laterally through your IT environment?
  3. Spread out, find the loot. Expanding Foothold: How do you pro-actively threat hunt to look for signs of compromise or other vulnerabilities that could be exploited?
  4. Blowing open the safe. Execute the attack: How can you stop hackers from reaching your “crown jewels” IT assets by putting them behind “enclaves?”