Creating Inclusive Digital Experiences: Addressing Accessibility and Equity

A panel of NSW Government leaders and change pioneers chat about the profound impact of accessibility on our daily lives and its significance in bridging the gap between disability and ability.

Key takeaways:

      • Shifting Left in Design: We delve into the concept of shifting accessibility left in the design process, ensuring it's integral from the initial research phase. By embedding accessibility into personas and user journeys, we make it a foundational element, preventing deprioritisation in later stages.
      • Real People, Real Experiences: The conversation emphasises the need to incorporate real experiences into the design and delivery process. Testing with individuals who have disabilities and observing their interactions with digital products unveils crucial insights, allowing for a more robust and inclusive final product.
      • Advocacy for Inclusivity: The discussion touches on the challenges of advocating for accessibility when faced with conflicting priorities and pressures to launch quickly. The key is fostering a culture of inclusivity and relentless advocacy at all levels, making accessibility an integral part of the organisational mindset.

Hear insights from: Rachel Maiden, Director, Accessibility NSW, NSW Department of Customer Service, Belgin Tran, Executive Director, Customer Experience Unit, NSW Department of Customer Service, Kristin Bamford, Digital Frontline Services Product Director, Service NSW and Kate Linton, Global Design Lead, Thoughtworks.