Rosie Fea's Insights
Industry Trends

Highlight Reel: Workforce Transformation in the Public Sector
Like so many organizations, the City of Hamilton in the Province of Ontario experienced tremendous turmoil in 2020 as a result of COVID-19. Nenzi Cocca, the Director of Human Resources (HR) Systems & Operations at the City of Hamilton, says that the pandemic brought with it “a number of unexpected challenges when bringing on new employees, and we had some employees that were retiring too.” Very quickly “we had to figure out a way to make sure that knowledge transfer happened as seamlessly as possible.” This was particularly important because the HR division is one of the most important. “I …

26 Mar 2021
Whitepapers & Reports

Balancing innovation, security and compliance in the health sector
Health sectors around the world grapple with many of the same trends: rising healthcare costs, ageing populations, low digital maturity. Australia is no exception, despite consistently high global rankings in health system performance. Concurrently, cybersecurity challenges have been mounting. Threats are becoming more sophisticated, while our growing reliance on digital technology creates new risks. It was only a matter of time before those trajectories collided. While this trend predates and transcends the COVID-19 pandemic, the events of 2020 have sharpened a focus on how healthcare delivery and clinical research intersect with cybersecurity. Read the full paper to examine the three-pronged …

24 Mar 2021
Whitepapers & Reports

IoT in the Public Sector: How We Can Work to Build a Secure and Ethical Network of 'Things'
The Internet of Things (IoT) could, and ultimately will, profoundly transform the public sector by altering how government entities gather data and information. Tech analyst company IDC predicts that by 2025 there will be a total 41.6 billion connected IoT devices influencing the way we build, manage and exist in our cities and spaces.The IoT alliance NZ suggests that IoT ‘could soon be as commonplace as electricity in the everyday lives of people in OECD countries.’ The adoption of this techy web of things could see increased productivity for New Zealand government processes and decision making. Therefore, transforming economic and …

16 Mar 2021
Whitepapers & Reports

Designing & Delivering Innovative Smart City Services to Citizens
All cities need to grow and evolve to remain relevant and attractive to their residents, but smart cities need to find genuine innovations to enhance the liveability of their cities in new and exciting ways. This paper brings together three experts involved in smart city design from three jurisdictions. Each is a proponent of smart city design and innovation, and their methodologies and areas of focus are different. However, their desire to ensure that their cities are innovative, sustainable and constantly evolving is constant and unwavering.

12 Mar 2021
Whitepapers & Reports

Data and Analytics in Healthcare
In the healthcare sector, good data and analysis is critical to ensuring a good patient experience and better diagnostics. Data supports policy decisions and equips clinicians to make better decisions. But data isn’t always accessible or readily available in the best format. This paper brings together the data journeys of three healthcare institutions from three jurisdictions. For each one, good data collection and analysis has been able to unlock some of their barriers and improve the healthcare that they are able to provide.

17 Feb 2021
Whitepapers & Reports

Future Courts and Corrections
The justice system provides a variety of necessary services to the communities they serve, but because of their nature, they are very procedural and sometime impervious to change. Yet the pandemic has shown them that they need to change and adapt to improve the way they serve their communities. This paper presents the perspectives of two justice system executives from two jurisdictions and shows that although changes were made to adapt to a crisis, many of these changes shouldn’t be just temporary workarounds. The justice system is primed for real, sustainable change, and investment should be directed to ensuring that …

4 Feb 2021
Industry Trends

Pivot-al Learnings: PSN's transition to virtual events
Last spring, we at Public Sector Network took all of our programming online, beginning with our Digital Inclusion event. ( It’s hard to believe that our second edition is next week! ) We have been learning and growing ever since then! Here are a few takea…

28 Jan 2021
Whitepapers & Reports

Managing Your Remote and Mobile Workforce
People are often attracted to various workplaces because of the benefits and conditions, but many of these benefits and conditions had to change as a result of the pandemic. For some, working remotely was already on the cards, but for others, they had to adapt and change their practices very quickly. This paper brings together the perspectives of senior executives from three local government regions, one in the UK and two from Australia. Whilst two of them had to change many of their practices as a result of COVID-19, one of them is so remote that the pandemic barely affected …

22 Jan 2021