Thu 06 Mar 2025
View event detailsRegistration
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM (45 mins)
PSN Opening/Polling
8:45 AM - 9:00 AM (15 mins)
Ministerial Address
9:00 AM - 9:15 AM (15 mins)
Industry Perspective
9:15 AM - 9:35 AM (20 mins)
Accelerating Smart, Simple, Connected and Secure Services Within SA Government – Assessing 2025 Priorities for Next-Gen Service Delivery and Innovation Capabilities
9:35 AM - 9:50 AM (15 mins)
- Unveiling the next phase of Digital, ICT and Cyber Security delivery – unpacking emerging requirements and key initiatives to accelerate SA public service capabilities into 2025 and beyond
- Further embedding an entrepreneurial and innovative approach within SA public sector and the broader industry – leveraging the ecosystem’s capabilities through strategic collaboration and partnership to drive advancement
- Embodying a bigger picture, fresh and creative, solutions-oriented mindset – and driving the change within your realm of influence
- Keeping up with the rapid progression of AI – advancing maturity and capabilities, while navigating assurance, privacy, ethics, and engineering of AI rights
Making Cyber Security Everyone’s Responsibility
9:50 AM - 10:00 AM (10 mins)
- Human centred cyber security – what are you doing to empower your people?
- What does it take to truly embed and maintain a robust cyber security culture?
- Understanding everyday cyber threats in all their disguises – upskilling and educating all levels of SA Government
- Embedding best practice throughout the SA government on the safe and ethical use of AI
Industry Perspective
10:00 AM - 10:20 AM (20 mins)
Encapsulating and Executing the Vision for a Simple, Sophisticated and Trustworthy SA Public Service
10:20 AM - 10:50 AM (30 mins)
- What does an entrepreneurial and innovative approach look like within the 2025 public sector context? Navigating barriers, budget and risk.
- ‘Service Simplicity’: sense-checking 2025 priorities for next-gen, simple and intuitive public service experience
- Speed, sophistication, security and seamless interaction: rising to meet citizen/customer expectations
- Traversing trust: unpacking the fundamentals, non-negotiables and critical considerations into 2025 and beyond to retain public confidence in government
Morning Tea
10:50 AM - 11:30 AM (40 mins)
Opening Remarks from Track Chair
11:30 AM - 11:40 AM (10 mins)
Opening Remarks from Track Chair
11:30 AM - 11:40 AM (10 mins)
Opening Remarks from Track Chair
11:30 AM - 11:40 AM (10 mins)
Opening Remarks from Track Chair
11:30 AM - 11:40 AM (10 mins)
Accelerating Digital: Driving the Digital Economy Through High-Impact Initiatives, Strategic and Sustainable Investments, And Inclusive Policies
11:40 AM - 11:50 AM (10 mins)
- Driving the digital economy and navigating the next frontier of digital-first – meeting expectations for connected and responsive services
- Taking advantage of digital advancements to increase the speed of government services, and creating a strong skills pipeline
- Digital inclusivity: Driving greater digital equity
- Future Government: assessing emerging trends and required capabilities
Driving Capability Into 2025: Harnessing the Next Phase of Opportunity in Data, Analytics and AI
11:40 AM - 11:50 AM (10 mins)
- Moving from ‘data & analytics’ to ‘data & AI’: unlocking quality to become truly AI ready
- Unlocking the value of SA’s vast data assets to enable service innovation and delivery
- Building trust – how can we bring the public along for the journey?
Progressing Technology Maturity and IT Modernisation Within SA Public Sector: Unpacking Cloud Migration
11:40 AM - 11:49 AM (9 mins)
- Sense-checking successful approaches toward IT modernisation – exploring promising initiatives leading into 2025 and continuing to build momentum
- Leveraging cloud technologies to enhance operational performance and facilitate service innovation
- Modernisation drivers and risks: how to meet the needs of continued digital transformation and effectively establish and prioritise a modernisation roadmap
Future Skills Security - The 2025-2028 Workforce: Making Government an Employer of Choice and Mapping the Terrain of Anticipated Required Skillsets
11:40 AM - 11:50 AM (10 mins)
- The 2025-2028 skills gap – what are the emerging capability requirements and where do our efforts need to be focused?
- What can we offer and where can we further develop our point of difference?
- Creating pathways for progression between SA Agencies – how can we work more collaboratively to remain attractive to employees?
Progressing AI Within CX – Opportunities for Advancement in Customer Insights and Interaction
12:00 PM - 12:20 PM (20 mins)
Activating AI to Drive Enhanced, Next-Gen CX and Simplified Service Interactions – Next Steps.
12:00 PM - 12:20 PM (20 mins)
Prioritising Security and Scalable Solutions
12:00 PM - 12:20 PM (20 mins)
A Window into The Future: How To Use Skills, Science And AI To Innovate Public Sector Recruitment
12:00 PM - 12:20 PM (20 mins)
Embedding Co-Design and Accessibility into Service Delivery to Create Experiences That Are Intuitive and User-Focused
12:20 PM - 12:50 PM (30 mins)
- Inclusive by design, accessible by default – revolutionising the approach to ‘no one left behind’.
- Latest strategies, tools and technologies to better understand induvial customer needs and designing digital/in-person service accordingly
- User-Centricity – harnessing co-creation and user feedback to design next gen digital experiences citizens want and need
- Leveraging co-design for first nations engagement and ‘closing the gap’ deliverables.
Leveraging AI to Maximise Efficiencies in Operational Performance and Impact: Tangible ML/AI Use Cases
12:20 PM - 12:50 PM (30 mins)
- Moving from ‘data & analytics’ to ‘data & AI’: unlocking quality to become truly AI ready
- Unlocking the value of SA’s vast data assets to enable service innovation and delivery
- Building trust – how can we bring the public along for the journey?
- Enabling hyper-scalability – mastering MVG: Minimal Viable Governance
Strengthening SA Government’s Tech Workforce: Powering Diversity and Inclusion to Progress Capabilities and Challenge the Status Quo
12:20 PM - 12:50 PM (30 mins)
- Empowering women to pursue careers in tech, digital and cyber: how can we best equip them with the skills and knowledge to actively shape Australia’s technology landscape?
- Where do the current challenges and barriers exist preventing women from advancing in tech? Exploring inclusive policies & practices
- Inspiring creativity, innovation & technical proficiency among emerging tech talent and leaders
- Fostering leadership qualities among technical talent, and nurturing new perspectives
Empowering a Progressive and Future-Ready SA Public Sector by Strategically Developing and Recruiting Future Skillsets
12:20 PM - 12:50 PM (30 mins)
- Building a talent pipeline for AUKUS
- Creating and upskilling a diverse workforce: leveraging underutilised skillsets within refugee, neurodivergent and first nations peoples
- Making SA public sector the #1 choice for top talent: Unpacking creative and effective recruitment strategies
- Avoiding ‘talent leakage’ to keep SA public sector skills inhouse: referring talent and creating pathways for progression between Agencies
12:50 PM - 2:00 PM (70 mins)
Welcome Back – Chair
2:00 PM - 2:05 PM (5 mins)
Welcome Back – Chair
2:00 PM - 2:05 PM (5 mins)
Welcome Back – Chair
2:00 PM - 2:05 PM (5 mins)
Welcome Back – Chair
2:00 PM - 2:05 PM (5 mins)
‘Future Health’: Driving Service Excellence and Intuitive Interactions to Build Trust and Deliver the Next Generation of Health Care
2:05 PM - 2:25 PM (20 mins)
- Delivering a personalised, digitally enabled health service to NSW citizens – unpacking successes to date, and assessing priorities into 2025
- Unlocking value-based healthcare, the integration of care, and improving the patient experience
- Balancing digitisation and self-service with human connections: Striking the X-factor
- Tapping into the value of collaboration and partnerships
Unlocking the Next Realm of Data AI Opportunities Within Education
2:05 PM - 2:25 PM (20 mins)
- Pushing for innovation, while navigating risk, ethics and AI bias – developing responsible AI application
- Actionable AI: Democratising secure generative AI tools into everyday activity
- The impact of generative AI: exploring implications, requirements and opportunities within SA Government
- Exploring different models of access to AI through the organisation: GenAI platforms, productivity tools, and enterprise tools
Unlocking the Potential of Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) Within Department for Child Protection SA
2:05 PM - 2:25 PM (20 mins)
- Defining your strategy for modernisation to achieve agility, resilience and innovation and overcome legacy system limitations to enable emerging applications and tools
- Achieving simplification rather than proliferation of technology
- Overcoming legacy system limitations to enable emerging applications and tools
- Navigating the logistics: sense-checking successful strategies for integration
Advancing SA’s Defence Capabilities: Fostering a Vibrant Defence and Space Research and Innovation Ecosystem
2:05 PM - 2:25 PM (20 mins)
- Unveiling priority defence innovation initiatives into 2025 and beyond
- Creating a strong workforce and skills pipeline for the defence and space sector
- How do we further progress and facilitate innovation in the SA defence ecosystem?
- Effective approaches to harnessing collaboration between industry, defence, academia and government
Advancing Government-To-Citizen Digital Experiences Without Compromising Data Privacy
2:25 PM - 2:45 PM (20 mins)
Make Your Data Truly AI Ready – How Do You Set Yourself Up for Success Tomorrow?
2:25 PM - 2:45 PM (20 mins)
Rising Above Uncertainty: Safeguarding Systems through Digital Resilience
2:25 PM - 2:45 PM (20 mins)
Modernising Recruitment and Retention in the Public Sector: Critical Next Steps and Key Considerations to Power the Potential of People
2:25 PM - 2:45 PM (20 mins)
Government Interactive: The Trust Trifecta: Simplicity, Security & Serviceability – How to Hit the Pinnacle of CX Through Meeting the Foundational Human Need of Trust
2:45 PM - 3:15 PM (30 mins)
- Meeting needs = trust. How do we build and retain a solid connection with the customer?
- Sense-checking serviceability: How can we become better equipped to understand emerging needs and promptly cater to these?
- Building a ‘simple’ service experience that meets all customer expectations
Applied Ethics in Artificial Intelligence: Trustworthy AI – Are Your AI Systems Safe and Responsible?
2:45 PM - 3:15 PM (30 mins)
- Emerging regulatory landscape for AI in public sector.
- Implementing bias evaluation to ensure ethical AI for inclusive and effective solutions
- Applied AI risk management and governance
- Exploring methods and tools for assessing and mitigating bias in AI datasets and models to adhere to ethical standards
Interactive/Debate: CIO Panel: Treating Legacy Debt Whilst Meeting the Tech Challenge: Building A Compelling Business Case in the Tech Arms Race
2:45 PM - 3:15 PM (30 mins)
- Treating your legacy debt while meeting the technology challenge – how do you make good on both?
- Navigating high storage costs associated with emerging technology – do you pay up or stay behind?
- The CIO challenge of bringing the frontline narrative to your organisation, then the business narrative.
- Developing an operationally focused business case that talks to the narrative of government – how can you convince government to invest?
The Evolving Intersection Between People and AI/Technology, And How to Align the Two for the Greatest Efficiency, Excellence, and Productivity.
2:45 PM - 3:15 PM (30 mins)
- Which tasks should humans let go? Aligning humans and machines to their individual strengths for ultimate collaboration and efficiency
- The new workforce requirements: upskilling staff to partner with AI
- Where to apply technology, and what to leave to people
- Aligning technology, people and process strategies to hit the sweet spot in operational excellence
- Leveraging human strengths: making people a pillar in your strategy
Strengthening Digital Foundations and Maximising the Benefits of Digital Technologies
3:15 PM - 3:35 PM (20 mins)
Demystifying AI: Where Are We, and Where Are We Going? How To Take Advantage of What’s Coming Next ...
3:15 PM - 3:35 PM (20 mins)
How To Achieve a Clean Core in The Cloud
3:15 PM - 3:35 PM (20 mins)
Utilising Emerging Technology to Innovate the People Practices of the Public Service In SA
3:15 PM - 3:35 PM (20 mins)
Accelerating Service Excellence and Experience Within Revenue NSW and RevenueSA
3:35 PM - 3:55 PM (20 mins)
- Keeping up with the increasing pressure and expectation on fast delivery, excellent and personalised customer service – what are the capabilities needed to meet this in 2025?
- Trust: innovation and delivery vs privacy and security. Are they opposing forces and how do we handle these together where trust in government is an inherent battle
- Delivering on the current and emerging needs of citizens – Creating data driven organisations, continual customer feedback, culture of continuous improvement, empowering teams to innovate
Assessing the Threat and Potential of LLMs: Remaining in AI Sovereignty Within SA
3:35 PM - 3:55 PM (20 mins)
- The future of LLMs and the need for SA AI ownership: Will we take control or outsource to USA?
- The opportunity to do a better job of governance.
- Weighing the opportunities and risks of embedding LLMs within SA Government
- How LLMs surpass ethical AI as the critical consideration we should be addressing
- Improving the management of information security risks in the use of LLMs
Creating the Tech Foundation to Enable Modern Digital Service Delivery: Unpacking 2025 Priorities
3:35 PM - 3:55 PM (20 mins)
- Shaping the service of tomorrow: The vision for digital public services into 2025 and beyond
- Navigating the next frontier of digital-first citizens and the technology requirements to underpin next-gen digital delivery- meeting expectations for connected and responsive services
- Defining your strategy for modernisation to achieve agility, resilience and innovation
- Technology as an enabler of modern service delivery: creating the right foundation to support future innovation
Navigating Psycho-Social and Psychological Safety
3:35 PM - 3:55 PM (20 mins)
- Demystifying psychosocial and psychological safety: Understanding the new legislation and how to implement it
- Avoiding the 60-hour work week: Ensuring work health and safety regulations are adhered to:
- Breaking the mold of how people are working and why they are working the way they are
- defining what a safe workplace looks like and the role of the employer in facilitating it
Panel/Poll: Hitting the Pinnacle of Service Delivery Through Creating an Efficient, Fast, Accurate, and Seamless Service
3:55 PM - 4:30 PM (35 mins)
- OPEX for CX: Unpacking successful approaches, tools and strategies to modernising service delivery
- Breaking down barriers when innovating within government
- Assessing emerging demands on service capability -where do the priorities challenges and opportunities lie in 2025
- Integrating people, process and technology to drive effective operational innovation and better customer outcomes
Enabling a Culture of Strategic Decision Making: The Intersection Between Humans, Data and AI.
3:55 PM - 4:30 PM (35 mins)
Future CIO/CTO: The Art of Mastering a Constantly Evolving Role
3:55 PM - 4:30 PM (35 mins)
- The art of navigating multiple technology terrains – keeping up with ever-changing business and citizen digital demands and scaling initiatives
- Developing the technology workforce required to meet future demands – empowering employees to meet digital/ IT business demands and prioritising future-oriented skills
- Making the right investment decisions amidst competing priorities – using discernment in new technology and digital services
- Powering collaboration to drive improved business outcomes – creating and fostering an innovation ecosystem
Panel/Poll: Accelerating State Capability and Innovation: Supporting A Vibrant Economy by Growing And Advancing SA’s Technology Ecosystem
3:55 PM - 4:30 PM (35 mins)
- Strengthening the states research and innovation capabilities
- Attracting and retaining key talent for the State
- Accelerating research capability and increasing awareness of critical technology in AI, Cyber, Quantum and photonics
- Partnerships: government and academia collaboration to drive industrial outcomes
- Driving industry adoption and collaboration with AI and innovation
Showcase Report – Chair
4:30 PM - 4:40 PM (10 mins)
Showcase Report – Chair
4:30 PM - 4:40 PM (10 mins)
- Building the culture on data assets, security and data analytics
- Driving better decision making and problem solving within the organization
- Embedding smarter data and smarter analytics initiatives
- Working collaboratively: Discerning and integrating human and AI strengths and skillsets for optimal business outcomes
Showcase Report – Chair
4:30 PM - 4:40 PM (10 mins)
Showcase Report - Chair
4:30 PM - 4:40 PM (10 mins)
Networking Drinks
4:40 PM - 4:40 PM (0 mins)