Event Overview
Redefining the Workforce & Workplace in an Age of Uncertainty
Reflecting on this past year’s chaotic challenges reveals hard-learned lessons, ripe opportunities for the new year, and the potential for a fresh start. For public sector Human Resources leaders, this means finding new processes and ideas to lead government in future success.
Ongoing obstacles like continued unpredictability in workplace norms, an ageing public sector workforce, inconsistent talent pools, and arduous application processes, are all hindering public sector HR leaders’ ability to fulfill their responsibilities.
How can public sector HR professionals best position themselves for a successful new year? What types of innovative solutions are being employed to cultivate and nurture talent pipelines? How does rethinking position requirements in nontraditional ways boost applicant pools?
Public Sector Network’s Government HR Insights Fall Edition virtual event will bring together public sector Human Resources professionals across all levels of government from across the country to discuss a range of cutting-edge topics across human capital, human resources, and the future of work. Join your peers in conversation as we prepare for a fruitful and productive 2023!

Benefits of Attending
A Look Into Your Inspiring Speakers

Alexandria Smith
Chief Human Resources Officer
City of Memphis, TN & PSN Advisory Board Member

Bobby Humes
Director of Human Resources,
Washington State Investment Board

Betsy Vandrush-Borgacz
Acting Director –
Workplace Culture and
Development Division
Washington Department
of Natural Resources

Dina Simon
Chief Human Resources Officer
Teachers’ Retirement System of the City of New York

Karl Singleton
Chief Equity and Compliance Officer
City of Harrisburg

Jennifer L. Cooke
Director of Partnership and Outreach, Office of Service Experience
Florida Digital Service

Linda Misegadis
Senior Government Strategist

Alex Sakaguchi
Head of the Solutions Marketing team for Work Management

Mahreen Khan
Senior Researcher
People Insights

Jeremy Spake
Senior Principal, Thought Leadership & Advisory Service
Cornerstone on Demand
Key Sessions
Attracting Non-Traditional Talent into Government
Cultivating a People-First Work Culture
The government workforce is ageing, and the workplace cultures that older generations adopted no longer reflect the values of today’s current and potential employees. As a function, Human Resources has a responsibility to establish new workplace norms, including culture. Hear from this panel of leaders on how they’ve successfully shifted the culture of their departments to focus on people and how to ensure that shift has a positive impact.
Seattle’s “Anti-Racist HR Strategic Roadmap” – Lessons Learned (Pre-recorded Video)
DEI: Discussion, Adoption, Action!
Diversity, equity, and inclusion – or DEI – is critical for all agencies to address and embed within all processes, whether it is recruiting, hiring, or establishing acceptable workplace behavior. Join this conversation with accomplished DEI practitioners to learn how they have taken DEI from a concept through discussion and acted upon their ideas. The panel will share the changes they have seen in their respective departments and share how you can implement their lessons learned.
Your Registration
What Your Peers Had to Say
Become A Partner
If you’re looking to represent your company at exclusive events, the Public Sector Network is pleased to offer our sponsors a variety of opportunities to get front and center of your target government audience and be a part of an event with some of the top HR and Future of Work Insight leaders! With only a few events left in the year, don’t wait to get involved!

Event Partners

Interested in sponsoring? Contact Mike LeFrank by phone (647-215-0659) or email ([email protected])