
Wed 28 May 2025

View event details

Registration and Coffee

8:00 AM - 8:45 AM (45 mins)


Welcome from Public Sector Network and Acknowledgement of Country

8:45 AM - 8:55 AM (10 mins)


Welcome from the Chair

8:55 AM - 9:00 AM (5 mins)

Ministerial Address

Ministerial Address

9:00 AM - 9:20 AM (20 mins)


Sharing Global Trends in Government Digital Transformation and How Victoria Can Adapt

9:20 AM - 9:40 AM (20 mins)


From Vision to Impact: Driving Public Service Innovation in Victoria

9:40 AM - 10:00 AM (20 mins)

  • Providing strategic direction for the next 5-years of innovation and transformation in Victoria
  • Scaling Victorian Public Service capabilities to thrive in a post-COVID era – what key factors must be considered?
  • Evolving strategies and frameworks to allow for actionable innovation

Implementing Next-Gen AI to Grow the Victorian Public Service

10:00 AM - 10:20 AM (20 mins)

Panel discussion

Visionary Leaders’ Panel: Future-Proofing Public Services: Digital Priorities and the Road to 2030

10:20 AM - 10:50 AM (30 mins)

  • Laying out the roadmap for the public service’s digital transformation – are we on target?
  • Fostering innovation within the public service – how does innovation drive productivity?
  • Looking into digital projects in the pipeline – how will these evolve the public service over the next 5 years?
  • Future proofing citizen-centric experiences – what is the vision for citizens when it comes to connecting them with government services?
Cressida Wall
Commissioner for Economic Growth and Better Regulation, Economic Growth and Better Regulation Victoria
Paul Broderick
Commissioner, State Revenue Office of Victoria
Sven Bluemmel
Victorian Electoral Commissioner, Victorian Electoral Commission
Catherine de Fontenay
Commissioner, Productivity Commission
Sean Morrison
Information Commissioner, Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner

Morning Tea in the Expo

10:50 AM - 11:30 AM (40 mins)

Digital Services and Customer Experience

Welcome from the Stream Chair

11:30 AM - 11:40 AM (10 mins)

Data, Analytics, and AI

Welcome from the Stream Chair

11:30 AM - 11:40 AM (10 mins)

IT Modernisation and Cloud

Welcome from the Stream Chair

11:30 AM - 11:40 AM (10 mins)

Workforce, Skills, and Capability

Welcome from the Stream Chair

11:30 AM - 11:40 AM (10 mins)

Keynote Digital Services and Customer Experience

International Keynote: Designing a Digital Technology Roadmap | A Perspective from Stats NZ

11:40 AM - 12:00 PM (20 mins)

Emma Jones Deputy Government Statistician and Deputy Chief Executive for Technology Operations, Commercial & Collections, Statistics New Zealand
  • Mapping key requirements to enable connected digital services – what does Stats NZ’s digital journey over the next 5-years look like?
  • Identifying current challenges in connecting services with customers
  • Sharing the vision – what does a digitally driven Stats NZ look like?
Keynote Data, Analytics, and AI

Government Keynote: Establishing Robust Data Ecosystems to Govern an Automated Environment

11:40 AM - 12:00 PM (20 mins)

Veli Fikret Senior Director – Data Management, Australian Taxation Office
  • Laying out the role of data in a government digital transformation strategy
  • Discussing strategies for ensuring data quality, privacy, and security in an automated environment
  • Providing insights into best practices for building and maintaining these ecosystems
Keynote IT Modernisation and Cloud

Interstate Perspective: Government Keynote: Driving Innovation for Western Australia Through Technology Transformation

11:40 AM - 12:00 PM (20 mins)

Jonas Petersen Chief Digital Officer, Department of the Premier and Cabinet, WA
  • Upscaling Western Australia’s public service technology to deliver efficient services
  • Looking at the potential for improved and enhanced digital infrastructure to foster collaboration
  • Moving away from legacy and traditional systems
  • Getting the buy-in from leadership to enable more efficient operations to improve digital infrastructure
Keynote Workforce, Skills & Capability

Keynote: Designing a Workforce Roadmap for the Future

11:40 AM - 12:00 PM (20 mins)

Susan Middleditch Deputy Secretary Corporate & Regulatory Services, Victoria Police
  • Crafting a recruitment strategy that reflects the next generation of employees – what are the considerations for a workforce that will predominantly be comprised of Gen Z?
  • How to breach the time period between increased levels of retirement with a competitive employment market
  • Understanding the key decisions that need to be made now for a more effective workforce for tomorrow
Keynote Digital Services and Customer Experience

Enabling Citizens: Advancing Digital Services to Enhance Customer Satisfaction in Victoria

12:00 PM - 12:20 PM (20 mins)

Keynote Data, Analytics, and AI

Harnessing Data Intelligence: Innovations in Analytics and AI for Enhanced Governance in Victoria

12:00 PM - 12:20 PM (20 mins)

Keynote IT Modernisation and Cloud

The Role of Digital Infrastructure in Enabling an Agile and Secure Public Service in Victoria

12:00 PM - 12:20 PM (20 mins)

Keynote Workforce, Skills, and Capability

Building Future-Ready Teams: Strategies for Strengthening Workforce Skills and Capability in Victoria

12:00 PM - 12:20 PM (20 mins)

Panel discussion Digital Services and Customer Experience

Panel: Pushing the Vision of Digitally Connected Services for Citizens Forward

12:20 PM - 12:50 PM (30 mins)

Jonas Petersen Chief Digital Officer, Department of the Premier and Cabinet, WA
Toby Sloan Director, Customer Engagement Strategy, Cenitex
  • Shedding light on how customer experience has evolved since the journey to digitally connected services has been set out – how far have we come and how far do we have to go?
  • Identifying the current challenges that exist – what are the missing pieces in connecting government with customers?
  • Discussing innovative solutions and technologies for improving digital services
Panel discussion Data, Analytics, and AI

Panel: Elevating Customer Experiences with the Data, Analytics, and AI Trifecta

12:20 PM - 12:50 PM (30 mins)

Olga Vasilyeva Chief Data Officer, Australian Skills and Quality Authority
Syed Ahmed Executive Director of Data and Analytics, Department of Transport and Planning
  • How can we leverage data to provide end-to-end digital services for everyone in Victoria?
  • What are the key pain points in providing accessible government services?
  • Where are the biggest opportunities and use cases to leverage AI for service delivery?
Panel discussion IT Modernisation and Cloud

Panel: Empowering Next Generation Public Sector: Transforming Victorian Public Sector Through Technology

12:20 PM - 12:50 PM (30 mins)

Dr Emmanuelle Walkowiak Vice Chancellor’s Senior Research Fellow, RMIT
Rodney Apostol Chief Information Officer, Victorian Ombudsman
  • Highlighting the critical importance of technological transformation in the Victorian Public Sector
  • Developing a comprehensive understanding of the strategic roadmap for upgrading technologies used by the Victorian Public Service
  • Identifying challenges and barriers to IT transformation and cloud adoption – what are the solutions to overcome them?
Panel discussion Workforce, Skills, and Capability

Panel: Teams, Talent and Diversity: How to Recruit, Retain and Build Top Teams

12:20 PM - 12:50 PM (30 mins)

  • Sharing the reality of (tech) skills shortage in Victoria
  • Partnerships: What are the opportunities for collaboration between the tertiary and public sectors to foster and grow the talent pipeline?
  • Employee Value Proposition: How can the Victorian Government build its EVP to attract and retain talent from job ads to employee development?
  • Getting the balance right: how can the Victorian public sector utilise tech resources and human resources to improve workflows
Natalie Bekis
Assistant Secretary Health Workforce Planning and Strategies Branch, Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care
Fiona Notley
Chief Operating Officer, and Vice President, RMIT
Melissa Martino
Acting Chief Executive Officer, Magistrates' Court of Victoria

Lunch in the Expo

12:50 PM - 2:00 PM (70 mins)

Digital Services and Customer Experience

Welcome Back from Chair

2:00 PM - 2:05 PM (5 mins)

Data, Analytics, and AI

Welcome Back from Chair

2:00 PM - 2:05 PM (5 mins)

IT Modernisation and Cloud

Welcome Back from Chair

2:00 PM - 2:05 PM (5 mins)

Workforce, Skills, and Capability

Welcome Back from Chair

2:00 PM - 2:05 PM (5 mins)

Fireside Chat Digital Services and Customer Experience

Fireside Chat: Simplifying CX for Victorians

2:05 PM - 2:25 PM (20 mins)

Kate Barnes Executive Director Customer Experience, Digital and Delivery, Solar Victoria
  • Breaking down customer experience silos – what is it that our customers truly expect from Government?
  • How can you cater to all customers and overcome their barriers?
  • Aligning customer needs with Government services – what is the most efficient way to communicate or provide the customer with what they require?
Case Study Data, Analytics, and AI

Government Case Study Keynote: Harnessing Data and AI Capabilities Within the Department of Transport and Planning to Enhance Service Delivery

2:05 PM - 2:25 PM (20 mins)

Syed Ahmed Executive Director of Data and Analytics, Department of Transport and Planning
  • Sharing insights on how the Department of Transport is using data capabilities in driving decisions relating to infrastructure
  • Diving into key strategic areas of focus as the Department of Transport revamps their open data platform – what does this roadmap look like?
  • Discussing other functionalities that are assisting the Department of Transport in improving traffic congestion for Victorians
Fireside Chat IT Modernisation and Cloud

Keynote: Session TBC

2:05 PM - 2:25 PM (20 mins)

Luke Halliday Executive Director, Technology & Digital Platforms, Digital Transformation, Department of Government Services
Fireside Chat Workforce, Skills, and Capability

Interstate Perspective: Fireside Chat: Psychological Safety and Wellbeing as an Enabler of Employee Engagement

2:05 PM - 2:25 PM (20 mins)

Jody Grima Chief People Officer, NSW Department of Customer Service
  • Exploring DCS’ strong engagement results and the role wellbeing and inclusion programs and strategies play
  • Balancing physical and psychological employee safety needs across a wide portfolio and remit
  • The role of leadership and its impact on employee engagement
Keynote Digital Services and Customer Experience

Leveraging Tech Disruption to Elevate Customer Experience

2:25 PM - 2:45 PM (20 mins)

Keynote Data, Analytics, and AI

Building a Secure and Ethical AI Framework

2:25 PM - 2:45 PM (20 mins)

Keynote IT Modernisation and Cloud

From Zero to Hero: Driving Capabilities Through Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure

2:25 PM - 2:45 PM (20 mins)

Keynote Workforce, Skills, and Capability

Driving Employee Engagement and Employee Experience Through Digital Transformation

2:25 PM - 2:45 PM (20 mins)

Interactive Digital Services and Customer Experience

Government Interactive: Balancing Digital Capability Versus Digital Resources

2:45 PM - 3:15 PM (30 mins)

Andrew Eriksen Chief Executive Officer, Greater Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust

Join an engaging debate-style session designed to spark lively discussions and encourage audience participation. Led by an expert facilitator, this session will dive deep into the topic at hand, prompting thought-provoking exchanges among peers. You'll have the opportunity to actively contribute your insights, ask questions, and engage in spontaneous discussions with fellow participants, creating a collaborative and insightful experience.

Interactive Data, Analytics, and AI

Government Interactive: Designing Ethical AI: Balancing Innovation and Accountability

2:45 PM - 3:15 PM (30 mins)

Join an engaging debate-style session designed to spark lively discussions and encourage audience participation. Led by an expert facilitator, this session will dive deep into the topic at hand, prompting thought-provoking exchanges among peers. You'll have the opportunity to actively contribute your insights, ask questions, and engage in spontaneous discussions with fellow participants, creating a collaborative and insightful experience.

Professor Matt Duckham Facilitator
Director, Enabling Impact Platform (Information in Society), RMIT
Alex Murphy
Assistant Government Solicitor (Commercial, Property and Technology), Victorian Government Solicitor’s Office
Sam Jones
Executive Director Corporate Services, Office of Public Prosecutions Victoria
Anita Arbogast
Executive Director Centre for Business Analytics, Melbourne Business School
Interactive IT Modernisation and Cloud

Government Interactive: Barriers and opportunities for Digital Transformation in Victorian Government

2:45 PM - 3:15 PM (30 mins)

Emily Mailes Chief eHealth Strategy Officer, Victorian Department of Health
Luke Halliday Executive Director, Technology & Digital Platforms, Digital Transformation, Department of Government Services

Join an engaging debate-style session designed to spark lively discussions and encourage audience participation. Led by an expert facilitator, this session will dive deep into the topic at hand, prompting thought-provoking exchanges among peers. You'll have the opportunity to actively contribute your insights, ask questions, and engage in spontaneous discussions with fellow participants, creating a collaborative and insightful experience.

Discussion would include insights into:

  • What are the main barriers to digital transformation for Victorian public service?
  • What are the enablers of digital transformation for Victorian public service?
  • Where are we gaining momentum?
  • What settings need to change to accelerate transformation?
  • What are the inter-departmental collaboration opportunities to accelerate transformation across Victorian public service?
Interactive Workforce, Skills, and Capability

Government Interactive: Optimising Curriculum Modules to Equip the Future Workforce of the Victorian Public Sector | How can Public Service and Tertiary Collaborate to Equip the Talent Pipeline

2:45 PM - 3:15 PM (30 mins)

Join an engaging debate-style session designed to spark lively discussions and encourage audience participation. Led by an expert facilitator, this session will dive deep into the topic at hand, prompting thought-provoking exchanges among peers. You'll have the opportunity to actively contribute your insights, ask questions, and engage in spontaneous discussions with fellow participants, creating a collaborative and insightful experience.

Marija Maher Facilitator
Chief Operating Officer, Victorian Ombudsman
Professor Sarah McDonald
Deputy Vice Chancellor (Student Experience) and Senior Vice President,, Monash University
Susan Thomas
Executive Director – TAFE Partnerships and Implementation, Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
Keynote Digital Services and Customer Experience

Enhancing Customer Experiences in a Digitally Connected Era | Overcoming Challenges to Accessibility

3:15 PM - 3:35 PM (20 mins)

Keynote Data, Analytics, and AI

Leveraging Generative AI for Victorian Public Sector Innovation

3:15 PM - 3:35 PM (20 mins)

Keynote IT Modernisation and Cloud

Delivering Scaled Technology Change Transformation

3:15 PM - 3:35 PM (20 mins)

Keynote Workforce, Skills, and Capability

Government Keynote: Driving Employee Growth: From Induction to Leadership: The Role of HR in Driving Employee Satisfaction

3:15 PM - 3:35 PM (20 mins)

Marg Burge Chief People Officer, Victorian Building Authority
  • Strategising the employee lifecycle within your organisation – what does the employee roadmap from acquisition to exit look like?
  • What are the collaboration opportunities between HR team and functional heads to retain and grow people across the organisation?
  • Delving into the role of leadership in delivering impeccable employee experience
Case Study Digital Services and Customer Experience

Interstate Perspective: Government Case Study: Driving Citizen-Centric Outcomes Through Digital Transformation | amica | Legal Services Commission of South Australia

3:35 PM - 3:55 PM (20 mins)

David Mazzone Chief Operating Officer, Legal Services Commission of South Australia
  • Empowering Citizens – how amica is empowering people to resolve their own disputes
  • Client Centric Design – putting citizens at the heart of transforming the way Government delivers services
  • How technology such as Artificial Intelligence can improve access to justice
Case Study Data, Analytics, and AI

Government Case Study Keynote: How Analytics will Make Victorians the Healthiest People in the World

3:35 PM - 3:55 PM (20 mins)

Kate Lucas Chief Analytics Officer, Executive Director, Victorian Department of Health
  • Data democratisation for patient outcomes
  • Creating a whole of system view through data linkage
  • Finding the spare dollars in a lean system
  • True digital transformation through data, analytics and AI
Keynote IT Modernisation and Cloud

International Government Keynote: Designing Japan’s Digital Transformation

3:35 PM - 3:55 PM (20 mins)

Chikako Masuda Head of Intelligence Research, Digital Agency, Government of Japan
  • Identifying opportunities for growth based on international perspectives – how is Japan creating international collaboration opportunities in achieving this?
  • Understanding the role of modern technology in shaping Japan’s future policies
  • Developing strategies in shaping Japan’s future
Keynote Workforce, Capability, and Skills

Government Case Study Keynote: Innovating Inclusion: Developing Technology Skills for Neurodivergent Talent and Growing your Talent Pipeline | Apollo Neurodivergent Program | Department of Home Affairs

3:35 PM - 3:55 PM (20 mins)

Rowena Foot Director, Enterprise Integration Services Section, Visa, Citizenship & Digital Systems Branch, ICT Division, Technology and Major Capability Group, Department of Home Affairs
  • Exploring the unique strengths and needs of neurodiverse individuals – how can the public service use this to fill some of the talent shortage gaps within their departments?
  • Discussing the benefits of embracing a neurodiverse workforce
  • Strategising to grow and assist your talent pipeline and supporting them with their learning, development, and upskilling opportunities
Panel discussion Digital Services and Customer Experience

Panel: Putting the Focus on Digital Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility for Victoria

3:55 PM - 4:30 PM (35 mins)

Rebecca Van Wollingen Executive Director Operations, Safer Care Victoria
  • Highlighting government strategies and innovations for fostering digital equity
  • Understanding the socio-economic and ethnic breakdown in Victoria
  • Looking into industry initiatives that have successfully promoted digital inclusion
  • Discussing the role of policy and government commitment in sustaining and scaling digital equity efforts
Panel discussion Data, Analytics, and AI

Panel: Harnessing Data-Driven Decision-Making in Government: Unlocking Collaboration, Governance, and Innovation

3:55 PM - 4:30 PM (35 mins)

  • What role does data play in improving service delivery and making government more responsive to citizen needs?
  • What are the primary obstacles to implementing data-driven decision-making in government departments, and how can they be overcome?
  • How can public sector leaders make data a core asset for decision-making processes?
  • How can different departments collaborate to ensure seamless data utilisation while maintaining data privacy?
  • Can you share examples of successful cross-agency data initiatives?

Nonna Milmeister
Chief Data and Analytics Officer, RMIT Univeristy
Su Jella
Board Member, Women's Tennis Foundation
Bianca Pickett
Senior Strategy Manager (Workplace and Application Services), Cenitex
Panel discussion IT Modernisation and Cloud

Panel: Advancing Governance By Maturing your IT Strategy

3:55 PM - 4:30 PM (35 mins)

Jennifer Rebeiro Executive General Manager Enterprise Transformation, Transport Accident Commission
  • Sharing key factors in enabling a growth strategy to mature your IT capabilities
  • Shedding insights into the importance of the IT strategy in governance
  • Discussing regulatory compliance, resource constraints, and cultural change
Panel discussion Workforce, Capability, and Skills

Panel: Sharing Insights into the Employee Life Cycle | Creating Thriving Environments for your Current Staff as well as New Talent

3:55 PM - 4:30 PM (35 mins)

  • Understanding the needs and wants of your staff – old and new – What drives productivity and loyalty from your team towards your organisation?
  • Providing opportunities to your teams to participate in key decision-making initiatives
  • Growing your team by upskilling their (digital) capabilities
  • Creating an inclusive work environment for your employees
Rebecca Gauci Maurici
Director Strategy, Governance, Communications and Culture, Cenitex
Deb Fankhauser
General Manager People & Customers, Lower Murray Water
Lena Wang
Associate Professor, RMIT
Digital Services and Customer Experience

Showcase Report - Chair

4:30 PM - 4:40 PM (10 mins)

Data, Analytics, and AI

Showcase Report - Chair

4:30 PM - 4:40 PM (10 mins)

IT Modernisation and Cloud

Showcase Report - Chair

4:30 PM - 4:40 PM (10 mins)

Workforce, Capability, and Skills

Showcase Report - Chair

4:30 PM - 4:40 PM (10 mins)


Showcase Close

4:40 PM - 4:40 PM (0 mins)


Networking Drinks

4:40 PM - 5:40 PM (60 mins)


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