Event Overview
Digital for More Accessible, Citizen-Centric Service Delivery
Digital transformation continues to be a top priority for all levels of government. Improving citizen experiences and optimizing service delivery are top drivers for digital innovation with emphasis on design, delivery, accessibility and privacy.
Recognizing the evolving needs of citizens, acquiring trust through accessible and secure services and striking the right balance between innovation and practicality are key priorities for successful digital implementation. In this quarter, we will reveal a number of different blueprints for honing your digital transformation strategy.
Public Sector Network’s Digital Government and CX National Insights – Fall Edition will unite public sector employees from coast to coast to evaluate the technologies and strategies that are improving the lives of Canadian citizens. Join us to tap into the digital mindsets of your peers and ensure that your transformation journey remains on track!
Benefits of Attending
A Sneak Peek Of Your Inspiring Speakers
Judy Ross
Vice President
Service New Brunswick
Kelsey Singbeil
A/Executive Director, Service Transformation
Ministry Of Environment And Climate Change Strategy
Scott McDougall
Director Digital Strategy
Canadian Police College
Gray O’Byrne
Product Manager – talent.canda.ca,
Treasury Board Secretariat / Government of Canada
Key Sessions
Beyond Box Ticking – Conducting a Digital Accessibility Audit
Creating a Blueprint for Successful Digital Strategies
- What are the criteria or parameters for choosing digital solutions/strategies?
- How can organizations overcome siloed approaches to managing services/systems/data?
- What are some of the challenges faced when trying to assess and measure the value of various digital strategies/solutions?
- How can you identify and overcome some of the internal barriers to deliver your digital services strategy?
- How do we ensure at the time of strategizing that the CX delivery platforms are being inclusive and equally accessible to all?
Your Registration
What Your Peers Had to Say
Our Event Partners
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