Public Sector Network Presents:

Government Innovation Pennsylvania

Exploring Collaboration and Innovative Initiatives Across the Keystone State

Wednesday, December 4th, 2024

Hilton Harrisburg, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

In Partnership with


Projected Government registrations


inspiring Government speakers


Projected Innovative Partners


dedicated Tracks

Steering Committee

John Kaschak,
State Comptroller
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 

Scott McDougall and Public Sector Network

Andrew Buss
Deputy Chief Information Officer/Public Technology & Innovation
City of Philadelphia 

Chief Human Resources
Financial Services
Regulatory Authority of Ontario

Brian Esposito
Deputy Secretary for Procurement
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Department of General Services

Chief Human Resources
Financial Services
Regulatory Authority of Ontario

Eliza Erickson
Director of Permit, License & Certification (PLC)
Office of the Governor, Office Transformation and Opportunity

What’s In Store for 2024

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has seen exceptional growth in technology. Never have governments and workforces been asked to do so much, so quickly. As a result, public-sector leaders are seeking transformation improvement in service delivery for their citizens and residents. Technology has unlocked countless opportunities for growth, collaboration, and improvement among the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s agencies, departments, and beyond.

Public sector leaders are looking for ways to modernize their efforts-with technology likely to be at the forefront of their minds after the last several years of challenge-inspired innovation; accelerated further by ongoing world events. Information technology modernization and how it supports digital transformation remains significant. What will shape our initiatives going forward? What do we need from our leaders to get the job done? And how will technology, data, transformation, and workforce continue to evolve?

Public Sector Network’s Government Innovation Pennsylvania in-person event will bring together public sector leaders across all levels of government from the commonwealth and region to share their innovative ideas and cutting-edge initiatives and projects. This one-day event provides an ideal meeting for networking and sharing best practices-join the conversation!

Supporting Partner

Past Event Highlight Reel

Benefits of Attending

Hear insights on how technology is shaping the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and understand the role public sector leaders need to play.

Learn about best practices in data governance and organization.

Explore the latest insights on developing and implementing strategies & structures to drive transformation.

Attend one of two dedicated tracks dealing with innovation in the spheres of Data & Technology –or- Digital Transformation/ Service Delivery & CX.

2024 Inspiring Speaker Line-up

David Partsch, Chief Data Officer, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

John Kaschak
State Comptroller
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Bryanna Pardoe, Executive Director, Commonwealth Office of Digital Experience (CODE PA)

Bryanna Pardoe
Executive Director
Commonwealth Office of Digital Experience (CODE PA)

Ben Kirshner Chief Transformation Officer Office of the Governor Office Transformation and Opportunity

Keith Hartung
Chief Information Security Officer
Pennsylvania Treasury

Ellen Strom Chief Accessibility Officer Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Hon. Victor Dominello
Former Minister for Digital and Customer Service, NSW Government & Founder, ServiceGen

Bryanna Pardoe, Executive Director, Commonwealth Office of Digital Experience (CODE PA)

Andrew Buss
Deputy Chief Information Officer/Public Technology & Innovation, Office of Innovation & Technology
City of Philadelphia

KEITH HARTUNG Chief Information Security Officer Pennsylvania Treasury

Brian Esposito
Deputy Secretary for Procurement
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Department of General Services

Ellen Strom Chief Accessibility Officer Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Jen Gilburg
Deputy Secretary of Technology and Entrepreneurship
Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development

Max Gigle, Deputy Director of Digital Product, Connecticut Department of Administration Services

Max Gigle
Deputy Director of Digital Product
Connecticut Department of Administration Services

Scot Barker,
Chief Innovation Officer, City of Burlington

Brian J. Gasper Ed.D.
Chief, Division of Instructional Quality
Pennsylvania Department of Education

David Partsch, Chief Data Officer, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Colby Clabaugh
Executive Director, Pennsylvania Longitudinal Data System (PALDS)
Pennsylvania Office of Administration

Andrew Buss, Deputy Chief Information Officer/Public Technology & Innovation, Office of Innovation & Technology, City of Philadelphia

Dale Simpson
Special Advisor, Executive Deputy Secretary
Pennsylvania Department of Revenue

Emily Yates Chief Innovation Officer Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA)

Eliza Erickson
Director of Permit, License & Certification (PLC)
Office of the Governor, Office Transformation and Opportunity

Scot Barker,
Chief Innovation Officer, City of Burlington

Scot Barker
Chief Innovation Officer
City of Burlington

David Partsch, Chief Data Officer, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Karissa Demi
Director of Software Engineering
City of Philadelphia

Tara Woody, Innovation Manager, City of Philadelphia

Tara Woody
Innovation Manager
City of Philadelphia

Kelsey Hubbell, Communications, Outreach, and Engagement Manager, City of Philadelphia

Kelsey Hubbell
Communications, Outreach, and Engagement Manager
City of Philadelphia

Discussing the Most Current Topics


#Data & Analytics





#Digital & CX




Hear from public sector leaders about the latest trends and explore how to instantly apply these insights and gain unique perspectives


An opportunity to engage with your peers from across the state in dedicated networking sessions, interactive roundtable discussions and meal breaks


Hear  from leading solutions providers in the government space as they explore key technologies to improve citizen services


Receive on-demand access to session content on the complimentary Public Sector Network social learning platform


This event will be hosted in downtown Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. A finalized venue will be announced soon. If require accommodations or have any other questions regarding the venue please contact us.

Thank you for hosting this event. It’s a wonderful opportunity to hear about the great things other areas like the city of Philadelphia are doing

Event Partners

Showcase Your Thought Leadership

Take the stage alongside senior State and Local government leaders who are leading the way in IT, data, innovation, transformation, procurement, technology, digital, and citizen experience from across Pennsylvania.

Build Your Network

Engage with over 200 public sector leaders from across all levels of government in Pennsylvania. Multiple networking opportunities exist to ensure you can promote your Brand and establish key connections.

An Interactive Experience

Highlight solutions to the key challenges facing the public sector in Pennsylvania in our immersive exhibitor hall, engaging keynote presentations, interactive roundtables, and other onsite activations.