VicGov AI Showcase


Albert Park, 29 October 2024

All times in AEDT

8:00 am

Registration and Networking

9:00 am

Opening from Public Sector Network & Icebreaker    

9:10 am

Welcome from Chair

Colette Rogers, Lead Partner, Victorian Public Sector, Deloitte
Colette Rogers, Lead Partner, Victorian Public Sector, Deloitte

9:20 am

Ministerial Address

The AI Enabled Vision: Advancing Victorian Public Services into 2025 and Beyond

The Hon. Gabrielle Williams MP, Minister for Government Services
The Hon. Gabrielle Williams MP, Minister for Government Services

9:35 am


Navigating the Emerging 2025 AI Frontier: Generating a Solid, Progressive ‘Data & AI’ Strategy – And Taking it Through to Execution The AI Enabled Vision: Advancing Victorian Public Services into 2025 and Beyond

Cressida Wall, Commissioner for Economic Growth and Better Regulation, Economic Growth and Better Regulation Victoria
  • Driving growth into 2025 and beyond: assessing AI’s use within the Victorian public sector and broader economy
  • Unpacking emerging strengths, weaknesses, benefits and risks
  • Harnessing the next phase of opportunity in leveraging AI to reduce cost, increase productivity, and improve CX
  • Value Pools and some of the ways in which we can avoid a spaghetti mess of AI, conflicting technology, and inconsistent approaches within the department
  • Getting AI fundamentals right: assurance, ethics, and engineering – exploring critical next steps
  • Tying AI into the overall business to realise the full impact

Cressida Wall, Commissioner for Economic Growth and Better Regulation, Economic Growth and Better Regulation Victoria

9:55 am

Partner Session

Applying GenAI - How to Responsibly Scale Business-Ready Generative AI to Deliver Tangible and Reliable Business Outcomes

10:15 am

Fireside Chat

Gen AI. 

Sam Khoury, CIO, Victorian Infrastructure Delivery Authority
Stela Solar, Director, National AI Centre, CSIRO 
  • Actionable AI: Democratising secure generative AI tools into everyday activity 
  • The impact of generative AI: exploring implications, requirements and opportunities within Victorian Government 
  • Exploring different models of access to AI through the organisation: GenAI platforms, productivity tools, and enterprise tools 
  • Unpacking tangible use cases and emerging opportunities 

Sam Khoury, CIO, Victorian Infrastructure Delivery Authority 

Stela Solar, Director, National AI Centre, CSIRO 

Sam Khoury, CIO, Victorian Infrastructure Delivery Authority
Stela Solar, Director, National AI Centre, CSIRO 

10:30 am

Partner Session

Demystifying AI: Where Are We, and Where Are We Going? How To Take Advantage of What’s Coming Next

10:50 am

Morning Tea and Networking

11:10 am

Fireside Chat

Progressing AI - Sense-Checking Emerging Opportunities for Advancement

Andrew Larkin, CIO, Department Families, Fairness and Housing  
Emily Mailes, Chief eHealth Strategy Officer, Department of Health
  • Shifting the conversation from risk to opportunity – redefining the potential of AI and the benefits we can derive
  • Unlocking AI opportunities: Pushing for innovation, while navigating risk, ethics and AI bias – developing responsible AI application
  • Unlocking Copilot to uplift productivity
  • Actionable AI: Democratising secure Generative AI tools into everyday activity
  • Exploring practical and successful steps in scaling AI

Andrew Larkin, CIO, Department Families, Fairness and Housing  
Emily Mailes, Chief eHealth Strategy Officer, Department of Health

11:25 am

Panel Discussion

Redefining the AI Narrative: Balancing Risk with Opportunity.

Cassandra Highfield, Executive Director, Information Services, Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions 
Rod Apostol, CIO, Victorian Ombudsman  
Ash Dhareshwar, Head of Innovation & Improvement, Cenitex 
Dallas Reilly, CIO, Triple Zero Victoria 
  • Navigating compliance, privacy while using AI to drive business improvement and efficiency
  • Building trust – how can we bring the public, and the business, along for the journey? 
  • Unlocking AI opportunities: Pushing for innovation, while navigating risk, ethics and AI bias – developing responsible AI applications
  • The role of government as it relates to the use of AI in the community: Exploring responsibilities, regulatory roles and safeguard requirements  

Cassandra Highfield, Executive Director, Information Services, Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions 

Rod Apostol, CIO, Victorian Ombudsman 

Ash Dhareshwar, Head of Innovation & Improvement, Cenitex 

Dallas Reilly, CIO, Triple Zero Victoria 

Cassandra Highfield, Executive Director, Information Services, Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions 
Rod Apostol, CIO, Victorian Ombudsman  
Ash Dhareshwar, Head of Innovation & Improvement, Cenitex 
Dallas Reilly, CIO, Triple Zero Victoria 

11:55 am

Partner Session

AI to Drive Enhanced, Next-Gen CX and Simplified Service Interactions – Next Steps.

12:15 pm


The New Era of ‘Data and AI’ - Unlocking Quality to Become Truly AI Ready.

Tracy Davenport, Executive General Manager, Technology Delivery, nbn co 
  • Getting your principles and frameworks right. 
  • How to make your data AI ready – poor quality data is garbage in, garbage out. 
  • Value is easy if the foundations are right – how do you set yourself up for success tomorrow? 
  • How to industrialise data science – and unlock value rapidly. 

Tracy Davenport, Executive General Manager, Technology Delivery, nbn co 

Tracy Davenport, Executive General Manager, Technology Delivery, nbn co 

12:35 pm

Fireside Chat

Trustworthy AI – Are Your AI Systems Safe and Responsible?

Carsten Boeving, CISO, Cenitex
Irfan Najeeb, OpenText
  • Emerging regulatory landscape for AI in public sector.
  • Privacy, Regulation & Ethics: Maintaining public trust and adopting responsible and ethical AI practices
  • Implementing bias evaluation to ensure ethical AI for inclusive and effective solutions
    Applied AI risk management and governance .
    Exploring methods and tools for assessing and mitigating bias in AI datasets and models to adhere to ethical standards.

Greg Adamson, CISO, Department of Transport 

Carsten Boeving, CISO, Cenitex
Irfan Najeeb, OpenText

12:50 pm

Networking Lunch

1:50 pm


Slouching Towards Bethlehem

Rachel Dixon, Privacy and Data Protection Deputy Commissioner, Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner
  • Navigating the degree of unreliability of LLMs: What does this mean for the use of these tools in Government, and how can we manage the risks?
  • Improving the management of information security risks in the use of LLMs


Rachel Dixon, Privacy and Data Protection Deputy Commissioner, Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner 

Rachel Dixon, Privacy and Data Protection Deputy Commissioner, Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner

2:10 pm

Partner Session

Combining AI Technologies To Drive Robust Cyber Security

2:30 pm

Fireside Chat

Advancing the Development and Adoption of AI – Next Steps.

Alexis Ewing, Executive Director, Infrastructure Services, Cenitex 
  • Enabling hyper-scalability – Mastering MVG: Minimal Viable Governance.  
  • Exploring practical and successful steps in scaling AI. 
  • Operational AI – driving efficiency and accuracy to streamline services. 
  • Transforming business strategies & processes to get the most out of AI. 
  • Proactively infusing governance into AI initiatives to better detect and mitigate model risk. 

Alexis Ewing, Executive Director, Infrastructure Services, Cenitex 

Alexis Ewing, Executive Director, Infrastructure Services, Cenitex 

2:45 pm

Fireside Chat

Leveraging AI to Maximise Efficiencies in Service Delivery - Unpacking Tangible AI/ML Use Cases

Elizabeth Wilson, CIO, Department of Education  
  • Identifying when and where to deploy AI: exploring potential areas where AI practices can drive both operational efficiencies and innovations, building on Victoria’s existing strengths and capabilities
  • Privacy, Regulation & Ethics: Maintaining public trust and adopting responsible and ethical AI practices
  • Unlocking the potential of emerging AI capabilities: driving responsible, transparent and explainable AI workflows, today and for the future

Elizabeth Wilson, CIO, Department of Education

Elizabeth Wilson, CIO, Department of Education  

3:00 pm

Afternoon Tea and Networking

3:20 pm

Fireside Chat

Do You Really Know What The ** You’re Doing With AI? Moving from ‘Data and Analytics’ to ‘Data and AI’ – The Organisational Shift that Needs to Occur.

Fawad Abro, Assistant Commissioner, Enterprise Data and Analytics, ATO
  • Modernising the organisation is a necessity if you’re going to extract the value you think you will from data – how can we do it within the confines of Government?  
  • IT plus ‘OO’ (old organisation) equals ‘EOO’ (expensive old organisation): Simplification rather than proliferation of technology – modernising the organisation to extract high value from data, and in turn, AI. 
  • It’s not a tooling problem, it’s an underpinning data fabric problem. Setting AI up for success. 
  • The new CDO – moving into a new generation of data and AI – how do you codify existing frameworks to enable a federated data and AI organisation? 
  • Who’s guiding the value conversation? Unpacking the commercial proposition – and leading from this standpoint. Frameworks vs reality.

Fawad Abro, Assistant Commissioner, Enterprise Data and Analytics, ATO 

Fawad Abro, Assistant Commissioner, Enterprise Data and Analytics, ATO

3:35 pm

Panel Discussion

Leveraging AI to Improve Evidence-Based Policy and Public-Sector Productivity

Stela Solar, Director, National AI Centre, CSIRO
Elena Campbell, Associate Director - Research, Advocacy and Policy at Centre for Innovative Justice, RMIT University
  • Regulatory and practical barriers to public sector adoption of AI
  • Data management preconditions: AI-ready government data
  • The potential role for AI in the management of complex systems in real-time
  • Can AI replace the business case? Dynamic options, scenario modelling, cost modelling, performance management, and benefits realisation with AI

Stela Solar, Director, National AI Centre, CSIRO

Elena Campbell, Associate Director – Research, Advocacy and Policy at Centre for Innovative Justice, RMIT University

Stela Solar, Director, National AI Centre, CSIRO
Elena Campbell, Associate Director - Research, Advocacy and Policy at Centre for Innovative Justice, RMIT University

4:05 pm

Closing Remarks from the Chair

4:15 pm

Event Close

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