Worldwide Terms and Conditions
The Company runs conferences and events for employees and organisations in the public sector. Enrolment and attendance to such events is subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
1.1 The following definitions apply in this document:
- (a) Agreement means these Terms & Conditions.
- (b) Business Day means a day (other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday) on which banks are open for general banking business in Sydney, Australia.
- (c) Company means Public Sector Network Group is comprised of its affiliates:
- Public Sector Network (Australia) Pty Ltd of 5/20-40 Meagher Street, Chippendale, NSW, Australia 2008 ABN: 46 617 870 872
- PubSecNet Limited of 95b Summerhill Avenue, Toronto, ON, M4T 1B1 Corporation Number: 108319-5
- Public Sector Network Limited of Office 9, Dalton House, 60 Windsor Avenue, London, SW19 2RR Company Number: 12409738
- Public Sector Network Inc of 2035 Sunset Lake Road, Suite B-2, City of Newark,19702 EIN 415183798
- Public Sector Network (NZ) of 5/20-40 Meagher Street, Chippendale, NSW, Australia 2008 NZBN: 9429048441995
- Public Sector Network Pty Ltd of 5/20-40 Meagher Street, Chippendale, NSW, Australia 2008 ABN: 88 643 865 570
- Public Research & Advisory Ltd of 5/20-40 Meagher Street, Chippendale, NSW, Australia 2008 ABN: 51 643 866 219
- Customer means any Customer or Organisation where context applies.
- Customer means an individual attendee for a PSN Event and Training Service.
- Intellectual Property means all rights (present and future) conferred by common law, equity or statute (and all moral rights) connected with business names, computer software, confidential information, copyright, designs, domain names, formulas, inventions, knowhow, patents, trade marks, and other results of intellectual activity in the industrial, commercial, scientific, literary or artistic field, the benefit of any application to register such a right and the benefit of any renewal or extension of such a right.
- Organisation means an organisation, agency, company or other business, whose staff may attend a as Customers.
- Pricing means the pricing set out in this agreement for each or as notified to the Customer in writing by the Company from time-to-time.
- means an event or conference provided by the Company.
- Privacy Policy means the Privacy Policy
- Site means the website or such other URL operated by the Company from time-to-time.
- Special Conditions means any special conditions agreed to by the parties that shall apply to this Agreement.
1 Registrations & Fees
(a) A Customer may browse and register for a particular on the Site, by providing their required details.
(b) The Customer may be required to verify their identity and place of employment to the Company as so reasonably required by the Company. The Customer agrees to provide the Company with all necessary verifications required to provide the Customer with access to attend any PSN Event and Training Service. Such information will be treated in accordance with the Company’s Privacy Policy. The Company reserves the right to cancel the registration for any Customer who has knowingly provided incorrect employment details at registration. A Customer’s ability to register for any is subject to availability.
(c) Pricing for each shall be as listed on the Site (Registration Fees) and may vary depending on a Customer’s Organisation or employment type, or other factors as listed by the Company.
(d) Registration Fees shall be confirmed at the time that the Customer completes payment.
(e) The Company is under no obligation to maintain the Registration Fees for any prior to confirmation.
2. Purchase & Payment
(a) All Registration Fees must be paid for upfront and in full unless otherwise agreed by the Company in writing.
(b) Registration is confirmed when the Customer completes payment of the Registration Fees.
(c) All payments shall be made via the online payment gateway on the Site or in such other manner as the Company may direct from time-to-time
(d) Unless expressed otherwise, the Registration Fees for each shall be deemed inclusive of regional tax rates.
(e) The Company will provide the Customer with a Tax Invoice for the Registration Fees.
3. Cancellation Policy
3.1 Should a Customer be unable to attend the event and wish to cancel their invoiced registration then this will be subject to the following:
(a) The Customer must notify the Company in writing of any cancellations.
(b) For Cancellations 14 days or more before the event:
i. An administration fee of $250 + GST per Customer will be charged (‘Administration Fee’)
ii. A credit voucher will be issued which is valid for 12 months from the cancellation date. The credit voucher will deduct the Administration Fee.
(c) For Cancellations within 14 days before the event, there will be no refunds or credit vouchers issued
(d) Registrations can be transferred to a colleague from the same Organisation before the event without incurring a fee.
4 General Conditions
4.1 The Company will use all reasonable endeavours to provide the in accordance with the service details listed on the Site or as otherwise provided to the Customers.
4.2 Notwithstanding the Company reserves the right to make any changes to the details, including but not limited to:
(a) Attending speakers and lecturers;
(b) Topics of discussion;
(c) Venue; and
(d) Time and date.
(e) Content
4.3 The Company agrees to notify the Customer of any changes or updates to a as soon as reasonably practicable.
4.4 Whilst attending any PSN Event and Training Service, the Customer agrees to:
(a) Comply with any directions from the Company’s staff or venue team;
(b) Be respectful towards the Company’s staff, speakers, and all other Customers; and
(c) Not engage any conduct that is unlawful, immoral, threatening, abusive or in a way that is deemed unreasonable by the Company in its discretion.
5. Privacy & Direct Marketing
(a) The Company maintains the Privacy Policy in compliance with the provisions of the Privacy Act for data that it collects about the Customers.
(b) The Company may collect personal information about the Customer the course of providing the PSN Service. This personal information will only be disclosed and used for the purposes of providing the Public Sector Network Group, improving the Company’s services and obtaining feedback, or otherwise. This may include providing the Customer’s personal information to the third-party event partners whose services are required for the provision of Public Sector Network Group such as Venues, conference registration providers, caterers and others.
(c) The Customer consents to the Company’s use of their contact details to maintain an ongoing professional relationship, including in order to provide updates, marketing materials for upcoming Public Sector Network Group, invitations and other communications the Company considers may interest the Customer.
(d) Customers may provide their personal information to a PSN Event exhibitor or other Customers directly by having their badge scanned by the exhibitor’s scanning device. The Customer agrees and acknowledges that the provision of such information shall not be covered by the Company’s Privacy Policy.
(e) The Site may use cookies (a small electronic tracking code) to improve a Customer’s experience while browsing, while also sending browsing information back to the Company. The Customer may manage how it handles cookies in its own browser settings.
6. Intellectual Property
(a) Materials. The Customer may be provided with materials when attending a PSN Event and Training Service. The Customer agrees that Materials are provided for their use in connection with the only, and acknowledge that the Company retains ownership of all Intellectual Property in the Materials including (without limitation) any ideas, enhancements, feature requests, suggestions or other information provided by the Customer.
(b) Trademarks. The Company has moral and registered rights in its trade marks and the Customer shall not copy, alter, use or otherwise deal in the marks without the prior written consent of the Company.
(c) Proprietary Information. The Company may use software and other proprietary systems and Intellectual Property for which the Company has appropriate authority to use, and the Customer agrees that such is protected by copyright, trademarks, patents, proprietary rights and other laws, both domestically and internationally. The Customer warrants that it shall not infringe on any third-party rights through the use of the Site.
(d) Public Sector Network Group. The Customer agrees and accepts the Site, and all Public Sector Network Group are the Intellectual Property of the Company.
7. Disclaimer of Third Party Services & Information
(a) The Customer acknowledges that the Site is dependent on third-party services, including but not limited to: AWS, Aventri, Mailgun, Eventsair, Postmark, New Relic, Hubspot, Cloudflare, Google Analytics.
(b) The Customer agrees that the Company shall not be responsible or liable in any way for:
i Interruptions to the availability of the Site and/or an Event due to third- party services; or
ii Information contained on any linked third party website.
8. Liability & Indemnity
(a) The Customer agrees that it uses the Site and/or attends Public Sector Network Group at its own risk.
(b) The Customer agrees to indemnify the Company for any loss, damage, cost or expense that the Company may suffer or incur as a result of or in connection with the Customer’s use of or conduct in connection with the Site and/or a PSN Event and Training Service, including any breach by the Customer of this Agreement.
(c) In no circumstances will the Company be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential or indirect damages, illness, personal injury, death, damage to property, loss of property, loss or corruption of data, loss of profits, goodwill, bargain or opportunity, loss of anticipated savings or any other similar or analogous loss resulting from the Customer’s access to, or use of, or inability to use the Site, or a Customer’s attendance at, or inability to attend a PSN Event and Training Service, whether based on warranty, contract, tort, negligence, in equity or any other legal theory, and whether or not the Company knew or should have known of the possibility of such damage, loss, illness, personal injury or death, or business interruption of any type, whether in tort, contract or otherwise.
(d) Certain rights and remedies may be available under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) or similar legislation of other States or Territories and may not be permitted to be excluded, restricted or modified. Apart from those that cannot be excluded, the Company and the Company’s related entities exclude all conditions and warranties that may be implied by law. To the extent permitted by law, the Company’s liability for breach of any implied warranty or condition that cannot be excluded is restricted, at the Company’s option to:
i The re-supply of services or payment of the cost of re-supply of services; or
ii The replacement of goods or payment of the cost of replacement.
9. Termination
(a) Either party may terminate this Agreement by giving the other party written notice.
(b) Termination of this agreement is without prejudice to and does not affect the accrued rights or remedies of any of the parties arising in any way out of this agreement up to the date of expiry or termination.
(c) Termination does not affect any of the rights accrued by a party prior to termination, and the rights and obligations under clauses 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.6, 4.7 and 4.8 survive termination of this Agreement.
10. Dispute Resolution
(a) If any dispute arises between the parties in connection with this Agreement (Dispute), then either party may notify the other of the Dispute with a notice (Dispute Notice) which:
i Includes or is accompanied by full and detailed particulars of the Dispute; and
ii Is delivered within 10 Business Days of the circumstances giving rise to the Dispute first occurring.
(b) Within 10 Business Days after a Dispute Notice is given, a representative (with the authority to resolve the dispute) from each of the parties must meet (virtually or otherwise) and seek to resolve the Dispute.
(c) Subject to clause (d), a party must not bring court proceedings in respect of any Dispute unless it first complies with the requirements of the dispute resolution mechanism outlined in this clause.
(d) Nothing in this clause prevents either party from instituting court proceedings to seek urgent injunctive, interlocutory or declaratory relief in respect of a Dispute.
(e) Despite the existence of a Dispute, the parties must continue to perform their respective obligations under this document and any related agreements.
11. Electronic Communication, Amendment & Assignment
(a) The words in this clause that are defined in the Electronic Transactions Act 1999 (Cth) have the same meaning.
(b) The Customer can direct notices, enquiries, complaints and so forth to the Company as set out in this Agreement. The Company will notify the Customer of a change of details from time-to-time.
(c) The Company will send the Customer notices and other correspondence to the details that the Customer submits to the Company, or that the Customer notifies the Company of from time-to-time. It is the Customer’s responsibility to update its contact details as they change.
(d) A consent, notice or communication under this Agreement is effective if it is sent as an electronic communication unless required to be physically delivered under law.
(e) Notices must be sent to the parties’ most recent known contact details.
(f) The Customer may not assign or otherwise create an interest in this Agreement.
(g) The Company may assign or otherwise create an interest in its rights under this Agreement by giving written notice to the Customer.
12. Member Profiles
(a) Government
We have a Member Profile on the site which contains profiles of our individual members. The information we collect for this comes from two sources. Firstly, it is the information which you give when you join as a Member, or the information you subsequently update via the member section. Secondly, we store details of contributions you have made to the site (for example, forum posts, comments, insights posted etc) and link to these, where relevant, from your member profile, except where you have chosen to contribute anonymously.
(b) Vendors
We have a Vendor Directory which contains profiles of suppliers, agencies, vendors, consultancies and freelancers offering service or productsrelated to government. If you represent such a Supplier you can set up a basic profile for free when you join.
13. Special Conditions
(a) Special Conditions. The parties may agree to any Special Conditions to this Agreement in writing.
(b) Prevalence. To the extent this Agreement is in conflict with, or inconsistent with, the terms of any Special Conditions made under this Agreement, as relevant, the terms of those Special Conditions shall prevail.
(c) Disclaimer. Each party acknowledges that it has not relied on any representation, warranty or statement made by any other party, other than as set out in this Agreement.
(d) Relationship. The relationship of the parties to this Agreement does not form a joint venture or partnership.
(e) Waiver. No clause of this Agreement will be deemed waived and no breach excused unless such waiver or consent is provided in writing.
(f) Further Assurances. Each party must do anything necessary (including executing agreements and documents) to give full effect to this Agreement and the transaction facilitated by it.
(g) Governing Law. This Agreement is governed by the laws of New South Wales, Australia. Each of the parties hereby submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of courts with jurisdiction there.
(h) Severability. Any clause of this Agreement, which is invalid or unenforceable, is ineffective to the extent of the invalidity or unenforceability without affecting the remaining clauses of this Agreement.
14. Contact
Should you wish to contact us about any of this information, please email us at