Digital Government and CX
National Insights – Spring Edition

Wednesday, May 4th 2022 | 12:00-2:15pm ET / 9:00-11:15am PT | Online

Event Overview

Sustaining Digital Transformation Beyond COVID Times

The Canadian public service witnessed an extraordinary acceleration of digital transformation across government service delivery. New technologies have become key business enablers, helping to consolidate government platforms, digitalize credentials and automate front and back end. To make digital government a reality in an unpredictable environment, the government must modernize how it manages transformation to meet the changing needs and expectations of citizens. As such, a citizen-centric approach to design, development, and delivery is critical to facilitate trust and increase access to essential services.

As we move further into the digital era, citizens are looking for consumer-grade experiences from the government. With demand for digital experiences increasing across all generations of Canadians, the government has an opportunity to streamline services for the digital age. Focus on accessibility, inclusion, new technologies like digital identity and reliance on data for decision making will drive successful transformations.

Join Public Sector Network’s virtual event to learn how your agency can maintain and elevate your existing digital projects in 2022. Embark on the next phase of transformation by overcoming the limitations of products born from necessity in COVID-times.

Benefits of Attending

Chart the course for your digital transformation in 2022 by exploring the emerging trends, technologies and projects from across the Canadian public sector

Identify areas for improvement in service design and delivery by leveraging citizen-centric methodologies in every stage of customer service

Review digital products and projects developed during COVID times to identify areas for improvement and implement effective changes

Maintain and elevate a digital culture within your agency to underpin a strong digital transformation trajectory

A Sneak Peek Of Your Inspiring Speakers

Arlene Williams

Arlene Williams
Executive Director Digital Platforms
Nova Scotia
Digital Service

Gary Yorke

Gary A. Yorke
311 Toronto

John Moreau
Manager, Digital Services
District of North Vancouver

Clarke Bellamy, Manager, 311 Citizen Services, The City of Calgary

Clarke Bellamy
Manager, 311 Citizen Services
The City of Calgary

Michael Karlin, Strategic Policy Team Lead, Canadian Digital Service

Michael Karlin
Strategic Policy Team Lead
Canadian Digital Service

Robert Frelich, Director General, Digital Identity Transformation, Transformation Management Branch, Employment and Social Development Canada

Robert Frelich
Director General, Digital Identity Transformation, Transformation Management Branch
Employment and Social Development Canada

Simonida Simonovic, OPS Accessibility Office, Senior Manager, Treasury Board Secretariat

Simonida Simonovic
OPS Accessibility Office, Senior Manager
Treasury Board Secretariat

Julianna Rowsell, Senior Program Manager – Accessibility and User Experience, Canadian Human Rights Commission

Julianna Rowsell
Senior Program Manager – Accessibility and User Experience
Canadian Human Rights Commission

The Honourable Nate Glubish Minister of Service Alberta
Government of Alberta

Chris Moore
Community Advisor
Public Sector Network

Darren Humphries
Director Solution Engineering & Cloud Architecture

Key Sessions

Government Case StudyGovernment Case StudyPanel Discussion 1Panel Discussion 2Ministerial AddressGold Spotlight

Next-Gen Engagement: Leveraging Technology, Processes & Driving Collaboration

  • Identifying the right technologies that can help boost operational efficiency for a more seamless service journey across the entire agency
  • Key drivers of the next generation of citizen engagement

John Moreau, Manager, Digital Services, District of North Vancouver

Using Citizen Data for Better Citizen Outcomes

Clarke Bellamy, Manager, 311 Citizen Services, The City of Calgary

Building Better Citizen Experience with Digital Identity

  • What are the key trends that are shaping the future of digital identity? Where do we stand in our digital identity journey?
  • What are the core principles for building an effective digital identity framework?
  • What are some common barriers when it comes to delivering digital services efficiently? Are there any challenges that need be addressed now to ensure an effective roll-out?
  • Where do you see opportunities to improve collaboration across various levels of government and the private sector?
  • What steps can public sector organizations take to move the needle on digital ID adoption and utilization?

Digital Inclusion and Accessibility for better Citizen Experience

  • How do you ensure that accessibility and inclusion are priorities throughout the digital design process and built into your organizational culture?
  • What are the key success factors in making digital inclusion a reality?
  • What are the challenges in your work advancing digital accessibility or inclusive design, and how did you overcome them?
  • In what ways have approaches to digital inclusion differed pre pandemic vs. post pandemic, if at all?
  • What do you envision for the future?

Ensuring Citizen Accessibility of Services in the Digital Era

by The Honourable Nate Glubish, Minister of Service Alberta

GOLD Spotlight

A Force for Good: Sustainable Digital Infrastructure For Canada

Darren Humphries, Director Solution Engineering & Cloud Architecture, VMware

Your Registration

Virtual Presentations

Hear from public sector leaders about the latest trends and explore how to instantly apply these insights and gaining unique perspectives


An opportunity to engage with the inspiring speaker panel and peers in the live Q&A and polling to discover answers to shared challenges

Leading Technology Solutions

Hear  from leading solutions providers in the government space as they explore key technologies to improve citizen services


Receive on-demand access to session content on the complimentary Public Sector Network social learning platform

What Your Peers Had to Say

“Loved hearing from the panel to learn how to speak about leadership, product management at a high level and with such passion and positivity. I can tell they all love what they do and are resilient enough to see their visions through. Nice!”
BC Public Service

“I like the range of expertise on display. The programming is effective as one presentation dovetails into another sweetly. And the technology interface is awesome.”
Ontario Public Service

“I always look forward to learning from industry peers and applying it to our organizational initiatives to make our ride a bit less bumpy! Appreciate everything that the PSN team does to put together these events, especially during COVID times. PSN events are my positive light that help me better handle challenges thrown by pandemic.”
Technical Safety BC

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Gold Partners

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