Public Sector Innovation Show - Saskatchewan


Regina, 26 June 2024

All times in CST

7:30 am

Registration and Networking Breakfast

8:30 am

PSN Welcome

Mikaela Hogg, Community Director, Public Sector Network
Mikaela Hogg, Community Director, Public Sector Network

8:40 am

Welcome from the Chair

Mike Switzer, Senior Vice-President Consulting Services, Saskatchewan, CGI

Mike Cook, Vice President, Consulting Services, CGI

Curtis Nybo, Director Consulting Expert – Artificial Intelligence, CGI

9:00 am

Government Keynote

Hello, Public Sector! The Age of AI is Here

Kanaris Parakevopoulos, EVP & Chief Digital & Information Officer, Digital & Information Services, Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI)

This presentation aims to delve into the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence within the public sector. It will explore the myriad opportunities AI presents for enhancing public services and improving governance, as well as the associated risks and challenges that must be managed. 


Kanaris Parakevopoulos, EVP & Chief Digital & Information Officer, Digital & Information Services, Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI)

9:20 am

Gold Partner

Maximize the Value of Your Data for the Most Impactful Decisions

Vlad Yudin, Senior Solutions Architect, Dynatrace
Vlad Yudin, Senior Solutions Architect, Dynatrace

9:40 am


Combatting Cybersecurity with Artificial Intelligence and Collaboration

Raymond Saunders, Director, Strategic Architecture and IT Security, Saskatchewan Polytechnic

In today’s digital age, cybersecurity threats remain constant Artificial Intelligence (AI) has significantly changed this landscape, offering scalable and adaptive solutions tailored to the needs of an organization. News of data breaches and online frauds has become a matter of regular occurrence, which serves as a constant reminder that leadership needs to involve the entire team in a strategy for preventing cyber intrusions. The keynote will also discuss ways to develop a culture of shared responsibility.

Raymond Saunders, Director, Strategic Architecture and IT Security, Saskatchewan Polytechnic

10:00 am

Panel Discussion

Identifying & Detailing your Top Priorities for 2024

• What are the utmost priorities in service delivery, workforce, and technology for your department/agency?
• How does each organization decide upon their top priorities?
• Let’s get going! What is standing in the way of completing the top priorities for 2024?

Clint Repski, Deputy Minister, Deputy Minister Office, Ministry of Education, Government of Saskatchewan
Denise Klotz, Executive Director, Injured Worker Appeal Services, Government of Saskatchewan
Rob Cameron, Chief Marshall, Saskatchewan Marshals Service
Moderator: Mike Switzer, Senior Vice-President Consulting Services, Saskatchewan, CGI 

10:40 am

Refreshment Break & Networking

11:10 am

Government Keynote

Improving Efficiency to Create a Client Experience at the Ministry of Energy and Resources

Blair Wagar, Deputy Minister of Energy and Resources, Government of Saskatchewan

Efficiency is often seen as a challenge or even an obstacle when it comes to increasing client experience. Client experience is closely aligned to the quality of services delivered. Empowering teams to place the client experience at the core of your improvement projects is paramount to program design leading to positive citizen experience outcomes.

Blair Wagar, Deputy Minister of Energy and Resources, Government of Saskatchewan

11:30 am

Government Keynote

The Building Blocks of Successful Information Technology Investment

Brent Hebert, Assistant Deputy Minister, Treasury Board and Personnel Policy Secretariat, Ministry of Finance, Government of Saskatchewan

What does a successful IT investment look like for your organization? This government keynote will showcase how to succeed with your technology investment. Discover what steps were taken to implement a impactful technology investment.

Brent Hebert, Assistant Deputy Minister, Treasury Board and Personnel Policy Secretariat, Ministry of Finance, Government of Saskatchewan

11:50 am

Modernizing Citizen-Facing Services

Dan Wilkins, Chief Information Security Officer, Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES) & PSN Advisory Board Member

The COVID era put enormous pressure on all tiers of government to rapidly accelerate digital transformation efforts in order to effectively and efficiently meet citizens’ needs. Learn how the Arizona Department of Economic Security is leading this charge though its work on digital modernization of citizen-facing services, making it easier for all Arizonans to access important information and departments.

Dan Wilkins, Chief Information Security Officer, Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES) & PSN Advisory Board Member

12:30 pm

Networking Lunch Break

1:30 pm


Interactive Roundtable Discussions

1. Data as an Asset for Government to Use and to Protect
Facilitated by: Curtis Nybo, Director Consulting Expert, CGI
2. Intelligence and Automation
Facilitated by: Vlad Yudin, Solutions Architect, Dynatrace
3. Key Legal Issues to Consider in Your Digital Transformation Project
Facilitated by: MLT Aikins LLP

2:30 pm

Panel Discussion

Presenting Your Information Technology Project: Best Practices for Buy In

New technology can be a game-changer when it comes to how you run your department and projects. Unfortunately, a solid plan can get significant push-back from key decision makers. The issue with waiting until the new becomes mainstream is that you lose the competitive advantage that the technology brings. Components of presenting your technology project should include the opportunity, associated needs or problems, solution, benefits, background, and cost analysis. It should cover other possible options-such as doing nothing-as well as specific exclusions in the proposal, constraints, and other issues.

Hear from experts and learn how the correct strategic applications of a business plan can both help garner buy-in and reduce time.

Peter Akhigbe, Director, Enterprise IT Project Management Office, Government of Saskatchewan
Dan Aho, Director, Business Systems, Advanced Education, Government of Saskatchewan
Derek Pollock, Director of Business Improvement, Corporate Services, Ministry of Government Relations, Government of Saskatchewan
Moderator: Mike Cook, Vice-President Consulting Services, CGI

3:10 pm

Panel Discussion

Building Effective Partnerships

• What are the best processes to go about this?
• How can government agencies collaborate to drive innovation?
• What are some characteristics to look for in choosing a partner?

Kyle Toffan, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Highways, Government of Saskatchewan
Sara Nichols, Assistant Deputy Minister, Ministry of SaskBuilds and Procurement, Government of Saskatchewan
Dan Wilkins, Chief Information Security Officer, Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES) & PSN Advisory Board Member

Moderator: Mike Switzer, Senior Vice-President Consulting Services, Saskatchewan, CGI

3:50 pm

Panel Discussion

The Future of Work: The Changing Face of Talent

There are many benefits that come with diversity in the workplace. The public sector’s success is dependent on having their workforce represent the communities they serve. A diverse and inclusive environment establishes a sense of belonging among employees. When employees feel more connected at work, they tend to work harder and smarter, producing higher quality work. As a result, organizations that adopt D&I practices see huge gains in the form of innovation, and decision-making. By identifying actions, leaders can fast-forward positive, more equitable outcomes and begin to fully see, appreciate, and engage all.

Dustin Olson, Manager, Strategic Initiatives, Ministry of SaskBuilds and Procurement, Government of Saskatchewan
Kari Paton, Executive Director, Service Delivery, Ministry of Social Services
Moderator: Mike Cook, Vice President, Consulting Services, CGI

4:30 pm

Closing Remarks

Michael Switzer, Senior Vice President, Consulting Services, CGI
Mike Cook, Vice President, Consulting Services, CGI