Government Cyber Security Showcase – South Australia

Delivering Secure Public Services to Retain Trust

Thursday, 6th March 2025

Adelaide Convention Centre

Safeguarding Tomorrow Together

The Government of South Australia oversees a diverse array of information technology infrastructure, services, and systems to serve its citizens. Ensuring the reliability and resilience of these services is crucial for maintaining public trust and confidence. To achieve this, safeguarding infrastructure, digital assets, and citizen information against cyber threats is imperative for SA Government agencies.

As citizens increasingly expect innovative and high-performing experiences from both government and industry, rapid modernisation and reform are being driven across public and private sectors. This digital evolution involves extensive data collection and aggregation, encompassing personal information and intellectual property, which heightens the risk of data loss, fraud, and identity theft.

To protect citizens, employees, and the resilience of government services, it is essential for the SA public sector’s cybersecurity capabilities to continually evolve and mature. Enhancing core cyber capabilities across all government sectors is critical, along with strengthening whole-of-government operational security services to improve the detection and response to increasingly sophisticated cyber threats.

In light of these challenges, The Government Cyber Security Showcase – South Australia, supported by our official partner, the Government of South Australia, is dedicated to addressing the importance of safeguarding public sector information and systems in an ever-more digital world. Join us to explore the integration of advanced cybersecurity measures, including threat intelligence, risk management, incident response, and recovery.

Deep Dive Into Pivotal Themes

Threat Detection and Rapid Response

Enhancing visibility of anticipated threats and vulnerabilities and accelerating the speed of response to incidents.

Proactive Strengthening and Resilience

Improving SA Government’s security posture through increased monitoring and incident response capabilities to protect government data.

Building SA’s Cyber Resilience

Fostering collaboration across government, industry, and communities to reduce security risks, and ensure a strong talent pipeline for securing government now and in the future.

Securing SA’s Digital Future

Navigating the increased use of shared responsibility service delivery models, supply chain assurance, configuration management, and associated risks.

2024 Speakers

Chief Human Resources
Financial Services
Regulatory Authority of Ontario

Dr. Eva Balan-Vnuk,
Government CIO,
Department of Treasury and Finance

Chief Human Resources
Financial Services
Regulatory Authority of Ontario

Kim Valois,
Chief Information Security Officer,
SA Water

Chief Human Resources
Financial Services
Regulatory Authority of Ontario

Andrew Corrigan,
Executive Director,
Auditor-General’s Department of South Australia

Chief Human Resources
Financial Services
Regulatory Authority of Ontario

Will Luker,
Government Chief Information Security Officer,
Department of Treasury and Finance, SA

Chief Human Resources
Financial Services
Regulatory Authority of Ontario

Dr. Katherine Enderling,
Director, Engineering & Security,
Department of the Premier and Cabinet

Chief Human Resources
Financial Services
Regulatory Authority of Ontario

Mamello Thinyane,
Optus Chair of Cybersecurity and Data Science UniSA STEM,
University of South Australia

Chief Human Resources
Financial Services
Regulatory Authority of Ontario

Anne-Louise Brown,
Director of Policy,
Cyber Security Cooperative Research Centre

Chief Human Resources
Financial Services
Regulatory Authority of Ontario

Mitch Riley-Meijer,
A/g Assistant Secretary, Government Cyber and Protective Security Cyber Security Policy Division, Cyber and Infrastructure Security Group
Department of Home Affairs

Chief Human Resources
Financial Services
Regulatory Authority of Ontario

Fern Hillyard,
Senior Manager Cyber Policy & Risk, Office of the Chief Information Officer,
Department of the Premier and Cabinet

Chief Human Resources
Financial Services
Regulatory Authority of Ontario

Rosalie Martin,
Director, Cyber Security Outreach,
National Office of Cyber Security

Join Your Peers Involved In:

Cyber Security or Governance
Increase the maturity of the SA government’s cyber threat intelligence capability to improve risk-informed decision making around threats to government systems
Progress the ability to prevent and prepare for, as well as respond to and recover from, cyber security incidents including insider threats, through capability and capacity uplift across people, process, and technology
Bolster security operational capability for the whole of government services
Establish a strong risk-based approach to the security risk management of vendors and the government’s supply chain
Activate widespread agency adoption of contemporary network security approaches, including zero-trust network principles for government systems and applications
Enhance the SA Government’s security posture through increased monitoring and incident response capabilities to protect government data
Information Management or Privacy
Build resilience and improve protection of government assets and data
Improve the management of information, data, and assets, in line with their value, and better defend, detect and respond to security incidents
Build community trust in transacting with government online
Cyber Engagement
Foster cyber talent and support the hiring of trainees and graduates in cyber security and related fields
Activate collaboration, engagement and a common vision for cyber security across industry, academia, education, and government in SA
Drive a culture of cyber security through education and awareness to enhance protection and resilience

Key Benefits of Attending

Understand next steps in uplifting of core cyber capabilities and strengthening whole of government operational security services to improve the ability to effectively detect and respond to sophisticated and complex cyber threats

Unpack how to best support the safe and reliable delivery of government services for SA and unlock Shared Cyber Capability: Building a Secure Future Together

Learn from other SA Agencies’ successful strategies to drive a culture of cyber awareness, leveraging shared expertise to enhance capabilities in detection, response, and resilience.

Collaborate and network with SA peers to decipher the most effective approaches forward in safeguarding infrastructure, digital assets and citizen information against cyber threats to uphold citizen trust and confidence  

Attending Innovate SA for the third time has been consistently enlightening and beneficial, to continue learning and growing in our industry.

– SA Health

The showcase was fantastic with engaging presentations, useful round table sessions discussing real scenarios, and a good turnout of relevant exhibitors.

– Australian Taxation Office

2024 Event Sponsors


Adelaide Convention Centre, South Australia

Interested In Learning More?

The Cyber Security and Risk Management Community provides a hub for public sector professionals from around the globe to learn, network, collaborate, benchmark, and share best practices with their peers. Become a member today for free and gain access to:

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