Innovate WA


Perth, 13 February 2024

All times in AWST

8:00 am

Registration and Networking Coffee

9:00 am

Public Sector Network Opening and Acknowledgment of Country

9:10 am

Welcome from Chair

Marion Burchell, Managing Director, Azolla Holdings
Marion Burchell, Managing Director, Azolla Holdings

9:20 am

Ministerial Address

Hon Stephen Dawson MLC

Minister for Innovation & the Digital Economy
Minister for Innovation & the Digital Economy

9:30 am


The Hon. Victor Dominello

Director UNSW/UTS Trustworthy Digital Society Hub, Tech Council of Australia Board Member and Former NSW Minister for Customer Service and Digital Govt and Founder, ServiceGen
Director UNSW/UTS Trustworthy Digital Society Hub, Tech Council of Australia Board Member and Former NSW Minister for Customer Service and Digital Govt and Founder, ServiceGen

9:50 am

Government Keynote

Developing Western Australia’s Digital Economy

Linda Dawson, Deputy Director General, Industry, Science, Innovation; Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation
  • Designing the roadmap for WA’s digital economy
  • Implementing our digital future strategy
  • Making progress, solving challenges, and driving success via innovation and collaboration
  • Future considerations and Q&A

Linda Dawson, Deputy Director General, Industry, Science, Innovation; Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation

10:10 am

Platinum Partner

Fast Track to Success: Unleashing the Power of Accelerated Delivery Strategies

Jade Smith, Head of Planning & Portfolio Management Services, Cathara Consulting

Introduction to Accelerated Delivery:
• Defining the concept of accelerated delivery and its importance in today’s competitive landscape.
• Discussing the market forces and customer expectations driving the need for faster delivery.
• Strategies for planning and organising projects to minimise delays and bottlenecks.
• Leveraging technology and automation tools to streamline processes and enhance efficiency.
• Discussing the importance of skilled and motivated teams in achieving accelerated success.
• Providing insights into training programs that empower employees to excel in their roles.
• Introducing key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to measure the success of accelerated delivery strategies.
• Showcasing examples of organisations that have successfully implemented accelerated delivery strategies and achieved notable
• Offering practical tips and actionable steps that attendees can apply in their own projects and workflows.

Jade Smith, Head of Planning & Portfolio Management Services, Cathara Consulting

10:30 am

Panel Discussion

Redefining Western Australia’s Agency Technology Procurement Policy: Charting a New Course for Hardware and Service Acquisition

  • Understanding the need for improvement: why do we need to improve ICT procurement?
  • The people side of procuring technology well: what people and culture do we need to procure technology well?
  • Central leadership but individual agency decision making: how do we best balance centre-led policy with individual agency decision making?
  • The future: Immediate and where we see ourselves heading: where are we going: the immediate future and beyond?

Kate Ingham, Deputy Director General, Department of Finance
Alberto Degli Esposti, Chief Technology Officer; Office of Digital Government, Department of the Premier and Cabinet
David Dans, Chief Information Officer, Department of Education, Western Australia

11:00 am

Morning Tea and Networking Break

11:30 am

Digital & CX

Welcome from Stream Chair

Phil Nickels, Head of Consulting and Advisory, Cathara Consulting
Phil Nickels, Head of Consulting and Advisory, Cathara Consulting
Technology & Data

Welcome from Stream Chair

Marion Burchell, Managing Director, Azolla Holdings
Marion Burchell, Managing Director, Azolla Holdings

11:40 am

Government Case Study Digital & CX

Representative Synthetic Health Data Methodology, Generation, and Application to support safe and secure analytics

Nasir David, Director Data and Information Systems, WA Department of Health

• The past – our history of almost 30 years pioneering data linkage in WA
• Historical obstacles of sharing health data to support innovation programs and initiatives
• Investigating, testing and developing representative synthetic data – how can we increase the utility of our data assets?
• The future – the Department of Health’s mission to create representative linked synthetic data and invest in supporting innovation in WA

Nasir David, Director Data and Information Systems, WA Department of Health
Fireside Chat Technology & Data

Why ‘Open-by-Design’ Principles are Imperative When it Comes to Data and the Public Record

• Why an open-by-design approach is needed to meet community expectations
• How we are applying the principles of open-by-design to data governance and systems
• Connecting the dots between information governance, ICT and cybersecurity to support an open-by-design approach

Damian Shepherd
, Director State Records, State Records Office of Western Australia
Catherine Fletcher, Information Commissioner, Office of the Information Commissioner

12:00 pm

Partner Session Digital & CX

Shaping Tomorrow: The Impact of Generative AI on Public Sector Transformation

Nieves Garcia, AI and Machine Learning Specialist Lead, AWS Public Sector, APJ

In the evolving realm of public governance, the integration of Generative AI emerges as a transformative catalyst, ushering in heightened efficiency, responsiveness, and innovation.

This session delves into AWS’s role in propelling public sector agencies toward an innovation flywheel, unlocking Generative AI’s full potential to enhance efficiency, reshape decision-making, foster transparency, and optimize resource allocation.

Explore real-world applications, challenges, strategic insights, and envision a future where technology becomes the cornerstone for effective and people-centric governance.

Nieves Garcia, AI and Machine Learning Specialist Lead, AWS Public Sector, APJ
Partner Session Technology & Data

The Democratisation of Analytics

Troy Smithells, Account Director, Alteryx

Scale the Impact of Analytics Across the Organisation | It’s no secret that smart organisations want to make more decisions fueled by data and analytics – but relatively few have breakthrough success. A recent study showed that 97% of organisations are investing in big data and AI technologies but only 23% report being data driven. What’s the bottleneck? Complex disparate data silos, a lack of data and analytic talent, inefficient and manual processes, and a lack of data literacy remain top inhibitors. What if an organisation could upskill its workforce so all business teams and knowledge workers could use data and analytics to solve their companies most vexing challenges?
There is a way – a proven method – that helps organisations with digital transformation through democratising analytics across an organisation. Join this session to understand: – The stages of analytics maturity – The divide between people and technology – The unbalanced spending on data and analytics technologies – A better way to do things – democratise analytics.

Troy Smithells, Account Director, Alteryx

12:20 pm

Government Keynote Digital & CX

WA’s Priorities for Digital Citizen Experiences

Jonas Petersen, Chief Digital Officer, Office of Digital Government; Department of Premier and Cabinet of Western Australia
Jonas Petersen, Chief Digital Officer, Office of Digital Government; Department of Premier and Cabinet of Western Australia
Government Case Study Technology & Data

Responsible Artificial Intelligence Applications A New Paradigm for Responsible Sharing of Data

Alex Jenkins, Director, WA Data Science Innovation Hub

• The history of problems related data masking
• AI technology and the enablement of responsible sharing of data
• Case study: WADSIH Health Hackathon 2023
• The future of privacy preserving analytics

Alex Jenkins, Director, WA Data Science Innovation Hub

12:40 pm

Partner Session Digital & CX

The possibilities of AI in enhancing your Citizen Experience

Greg Crowl, Vice President, Sales Engineering - APJ, Tungsten Automation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Process Automation technologies come together to offer an exciting opportunity for streamlining government operations. This synergy can significantly enhance decision-making speed and ultimately elevate the quality of citizen services. By tapping into the power of Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Generative AI, we can boost the efficiency of agency processes responsible for delivering services and delighting citizens

Greg Crowl, Vice President, Sales Engineering - APJ, Tungsten Automation
Partner Session Technology & Data

Embracing change to empower citizens and businesses while transforming policy and service delivery

William Edmond, Chief Customer Architect, Oracle

Innovative, new ways to use data: Embracing change to empower citizens and businesses while transforming policy and service delivery | Change is never easy. While data holds the power to transform the delivery of government services for the better, it takes strong leadership and stakeholder engagement to unlock its full potential.
Join this keynote session to hear firsthand how the innovative, new use of data is improving the lives of citizens and businesses for the better, enabling ambitious policy goals to be met.

William Edmond, Chief Customer Architect, Oracle

1:00 pm

Panel Discussion Digital & CX

Leadership Thinktank: Driving an Equitable and Citizen-Centric Future with Digital Identity Strategies

  • How do we enable efficient service delivery and increased public participation?
  • What’s the best strategy for driving access to essential public and financial services in remote communities via public and private collaboration?
  • How do we embrace payments solutions and digital identity technologies in an effective, time-sensitive manner?
  • How can we empower our government to adapt swiftly to changing needs and foster accessibility and inclusivity for all Western Australians?
  • Forging a more connected, consultative, accessible governance landscape with enhanced responsiveness to citizens changing needs

The Hon. Victor Dominello, Director UNSW/UTS Trustworthy Digital Society Hub, Tech Council of Australia Board Member and Former NSW Minister for Customer Service and Digital Govt and Founder, ServiceGen
Nathan McIvor, Chief Executive Officer, Djarindjin Aboriginal Corporation
Jonas Petersen, Chief Digital Officer, Office of Digital Government; Department of Premier and Cabinet of Western Australia

Panel Discussion Technology & Data

Leadership Thinktank: How Advances in Technology and Data Capability are Transforming Service Delivery

  • How PeopleWA, a powerful and secure linked data asset for research, government policy and service improvement will improve service delivery at the State level
  • Some recent case studies detailing how increasingly sophisticated procedural methodology and application of data is leading to improved outcomes and cost-cutting
  • What are the implications for cross-agency collaboration and service delivery in the near future?

Professor Peter Klinken AC, Chief Scientist, Western Australian
Natalia Kacperek, Chief Data Officer, Office of Digital Government; Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Shona Hyde, Director, Western Australian Office of Crime Statistics and Research

1:30 pm

Lunch and Networking Break

2:30 pm


Concurrent Roundtable Discussions

Roundtable 1: Harnessing the Potential of AI: Getting the Balance Right
William Edmond, Chief Customer Architect, Oracle
Tim Hurst, Sales Director, Oracle

Roundtable 2: What’s at the Core of Telstra’s network
Anthony Holub, General Manager, WA Government, Telstra

Roundtable 3: How do you choose between Quality, Cost or Customer Experience?
Joel Deutscher, Executive General Manager of Technology & Innovation, Planit

Roundtable 4: The power of having insight and context for your connected devices – how this helps you make better, informed
Sean Cunneen, Director of Technical Services – Western Australia, Orro

Roundtable 5: Navigating Fast Lanes: Exploring Strategies and Challenges to Accelerate Project Delivery for Business Impact
Jade Smith, Head of Planning & Portfolio Management Services, Cathara Consulting
Phil Nickels, Head of Consulting and Advisory, Cathara Consulting

Roundtable 6: Hands on with Analytics Automation
Leo Francia, Partner Sales Engineer, Alteryx

Roundtable 7: Cloud Financial Management and Value Realisation
Sidd Jolapara, FinOps and Cloud Financial Management (CFM) – APJ Lead, Amazon Web Services

Roundtable 8: The AI opportunity to enhance Government services
Mark Hawthorne, Sales Manager, Tungsten Automation

Roundtable 9: nbn: The Modern Fibre Network: Balancing bandwidth, resilience, and cost on your Enterprise Network
Mark Evans, Executive Manager Government Solutions, nbn

Roundtable 10: Gov Services Revamped: Delivering Effortless New Gen Digital Experiences with “Clout | Meeting the dynamic needs of clients with high digital literacy and sophisticated service requirements
Marion Burchell, Managing Director, Azolla Holdings

3:30 pm

Welcome Back From Event Chair

Marion Burchell, Managing Director, Azolla Holdings
Marion Burchell, Managing Director, Azolla Holdings

3:40 pm

Fireside Chat

WA’s Utility Leaders Share Exclusive Insights and Strategies For Delivering Excellence in Customer Experiences

  • Taking a strategic approach to effective stakeholder engagement and consultation processes with Indigenous customers in remote parts of the state
  • Demonstrating leadership in customer experience: CX insights from utility providers
  • Delivering equity in essential services access to Western Australian citizens living in disadvantaged remote Indigenous communities
  • Future potential for employment, regional development and Aboriginal engagement

Krystal Skinner, Executive General Manager, Remote Communities, Horizon Power
Anthony Bell, Program Director – Aboriginal Communities Water Services program, Water Corporation

4:00 pm

Panel Discussion

Future of Innovation WA: Work; Technology, the Digital Economy & New Growth Industries

  • Investing in technology and diversity: Q&A with the entrepreneurs making waves in the famously remote, desert location of WA’s vast jurisdiction
  • Emerging industries and sectors at the cutting edge of innovation and tech
  • Identifying problems in the marketplace to leverage innovative solutions
  • What’s best practice for capturing attention and funding for a new venture?
  • Predictions for the future: jobs, industries, technology, innovation and the economy

Hosted by:
Charlie Gunningham, Director of Innovation, New Industries Fund, Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation

Rebecca Ostergaard, Chief Digital Officer, CSIRO
Ingrid Rodriguez, Founder and CEO, Eikonic
Kashif Saleem, Founder and CEO, Track’em (WA Innovator of the Year, 2015)

4:30 pm

Closing Remarks from Event Chair

Marion Burchell, Managing Director, Azolla Holdings
Marion Burchell, Managing Director, Azolla Holdings

4:35 pm

Event Close

2024 Event Partners

Platinum and Stream Chair


